June 27, 2023 at 6:00 PM - Board of Education ESU 18 Regular Meeting
Agenda |
Notice of the time and place of the Educational Service Unit 18 Board meeting was e-mailed to an extensive list of local and regional news media. A mailing list is maintained at the Lincoln Public Schools District Office. A public notice was published in the LINCOLN JOURNAL STAR. The Educational Service Unit 18 Board is empowered to act on any item listed on the Agenda at any time during the meeting, irrespective of the time or order listed. Pages listed, or further detail, are available upon request. The Open Meetings Act requires and the intention of the Board is that agenda items be sufficiently descriptive to give the public reasonable notice of the matters to be considered at the meeting. The Educational Service Unit 18 Board releases its agenda well in advance of most meetings and desires that all interested persons are fully informed. Any interested person who has a question or needs clarification about the sufficiency of a descriptive item should contact the Office of the Superintendent of Schools. The Educational Service Unit 18 Board shall also make available for examination and copying as requested by members of the public, at least one copy of all reproducible written materials to be discussed at the meeting. |
The Board believes public attendance and participation, when appropriate to the business at hand, is beneficial to the work of the Board and models the importance of civic engagement and civil discourse to the community’s children, but it cannot impede the Board from completing the business of the meeting. 2. A time limit of three minutes will be allotted for any speaker unless prior to the beginning of the Public Comment agenda item, the chair sets a different reasonable time frame to be allotted for speakers in order to accommodate the number of persons who have submitted "Record of Appearance" cards. The time limit is per speaker, per meeting and may not be transferred or assigned to other speakers. 3. The chair may endeavor to organize public comment by what agenda items or other issues have been identified as topics by public speakers, adjust for the age of speakers, and/or split the Public Comment agenda item to be conducted in different positions within the Board’s Order of Business. At the discretion of the chair, the speaker may be allotted additional time. Board members may share, address or consider comments from the public during public comment, at the end of public comment or when related business is on the agenda. 4. In order to be called forward to address the Board during Public Comment, each person wishing to speak must obtain a "Record of Appearance" card from staff at the meeting in which they wish to speak. "Record of Appearance" cards are available beginning 30 minutes prior to the scheduled start of the meeting. Those wishing to speak must accurately complete the required sections of the card, and submit it to the appropriate staff member by 15 minutes after the start of the meeting. 5. Individuals will be called forward to speak by name, organization being represented, if applicable, and address. Each individual speaking to the Board will be required to identify himself or herself prior to giving public comment by stating their first and last name and, if applicable, any organization they represent. 6. In cases where more than one person wishes to speak on the same topic, their presentations to the Board may, at the discretion of the chair, be grouped together by topic. 7. If the number of people wishing to speak under the public comment portions of the agenda is large, the chair may rule that a public hearing be scheduled. 8. Persons speaking to the Board during public comment may make printed materials (paper no larger than 8.5 x 11 inches) available to the Board but may not use any other form of media. Public speakers are asked to provide 10 copies of any copies of printed materials presented to the Board. Persons attending Board meetings and/or speaking to the Board during Public Comment or during a public hearing must follow all requirements established by the Board, as well as all Board, chair and staff directions in order to help maintain the order, proper decorum, safety and security, and the non-disruptive functioning of the Board meeting. These include, but are not limited to the following:
8.1. From Board Committees
8.2. From the Superintendent
8.2.1. Policy 2410 - ADMINISTRATION - Line of Responsibility
The main operational line of organization for the Lincoln Public School System runs from the Superintendent’s Office through the three divisions - Business Affairs, Instructional Division, and Human Resources. Policy 2410 outlines the line of responsibility if, for any reason, it is necessary to define an order of rank.
Revisions to Policy 2410 are recommended to align with the changes in organizational structure approved by the Unit Board.
That the Board discuss the revision of Policy 2410.
8.2.2. Agreement with NDE for SNRP for Hearing Impaired Students #10820
It is recommended that an agreement be entered into between ESU No. 18 and the Nebraska Department of Education (NDE) to plan, coordinate and provide network enrichment activities for children who are deaf and hard of hearing in the ESU 4, ESU 5, ESU 6, and ESU 18 geographical areas. The term of the agreement is from July 1, 2023, through June 30, 2025. This is a continuing agreement with NDE.
Explanation The NDE agrees to pay ESU No. 18 up to $634,442.00 each year for providing this service. A complete copy of the proposed agreement is available in the Purchasing Department. Proposal
The Board, by approving this agreement with the Nebraska Department of Education, hereby designates the Director of Special Education or another person as selected by the ESU No. 18 Administrator or a designee from time to time as its program administrator under this agreement. |
9.1. From Board Committees
9.1.1. Policy 3610 - Purchasing
The Associate Superintendent for Business Affairs is authorized to sign contracts and agreements for ESU 18. All contracts and agreements are vetted to ensure that the appropriate administrator has approved the activity and budget authority is available for any cost.
Revisions to Policy 3610 are recommended for practices consistent with ESU 18 purchasing standards. Recommended revisions would increase the minimum amount at which recommended purchases or contracts will be presented to the Board for approval to $40,000, except as otherwise provided by policy or specific Board actions. Further, it is recommended that the position of Director of Purchasing or designee’s authority to sign contracts under a certain amount be increased to $10,000. Increasing the threshold for approval in the Purchasing Department would allow work flow to be processed more effectively and ensure appropriate staff verify the activity.
That the Board approve the revision of Policy 3610.
9.1.2. Approval of Contract and Appointment of the ESU 18 Unit Administrator
Annually, the Unit Board appoints and confirms the ESU 18 Administrator.
Explanation: It is recommended that the Unit Board hereby appoints and reconfirms the appointment and assignment of the LPS Administrator Takako Olson to be the ESU 18 Unit Administrator effective July 1, 2023, to serve until a successor is appointed and qualified and that such appointment and assignment is made on an at-will basis and may be changed or removed at any time without cause by action of the Board. The proposed contract is attached.
9.2. From the Superintendent
9.2.1. Interlocal Agreement with Lancaster County for Educational Services to the Youth Services Center #10819
It is recommended that an Agreement be entered into between Educational Service Unit No. 18 (ESU 18) and the County of Lancaster, Nebraska to provide educational services to youth detained at the Lancaster County Youth Services Center.
The term of the Agreement will be August 1, 2023, through July 31, 2024. ESU, through its staff as assigned by the ESU 18 Administrator or through staff of Lincoln Public Schools (LPS) as assigned by the LPS Superintendent or a designee to perform ESU 18 services, shall provide a certificated administrator and certified teachers to teach under the laws of the State of Nebraska and other assigned support staff. The County agrees that the Youth Services Center shall provide appropriate space, time, and reasonable staff support to assist ESU 18 in the performance of the educational services to be provided in the agreement. Explanation The County agrees to reimburse ESU 18 for all expenses incurred in providing such services pursuant to the agreement; provided, however, that the amount of such reimbursements shall not exceed $967,620.00. A complete copy of the proposed Agreement is available with ESU 18 and in the LPS Purchasing Department. Proposal The ESU 18 Board, by approving the Agreement as presented, or with such other or additional terms and provisions as negotiated and approved by the Associate Superintendent for Business Affairs or the ESU 18 Administrator, or a designee, is hereby delegating to and authorizing the Associate Superintendent for Business Affairs or the ESU 18 Administrator, or a designee in conjunction with other staff, to sign, execute, and deliver the Agreement and all such other documents, and to receive all contract payments, designate or act as the program administrator, and to take or cause to be taken any and all other action as may be necessary to complete the transaction, and to administer, operate, terminate, and/or implement the Agreement on a day to day basis during its term as contemplated thereby, for and on behalf of this educational service unit. |
The Board believes public attendance and participation, when appropriate to the business at hand, is beneficial to the work of the Board and models the importance of civic engagement and civil discourse to the community’s children, but it cannot impede the Board from completing the business of the meeting. 2. A time limit of three minutes will be allotted for any speaker unless prior to the beginning of the Public Comment agenda item, the chair sets a different reasonable time frame to be allotted for speakers in order to accommodate the number of persons who have submitted "Record of Appearance" cards. The time limit is per speaker, per meeting and may not be transferred or assigned to other speakers. 3. The chair may endeavor to organize public comment by what agenda items or other issues have been identified as topics by public speakers, adjust for the age of speakers, and/or split the Public Comment agenda item to be conducted in different positions within the Board’s Order of Business. At the discretion of the chair, the speaker may be allotted additional time. Board members may share, address or consider comments from the public during public comment, at the end of public comment or when related business is on the agenda. 4. In order to be called forward to address the Board during Public Comment, each person wishing to speak must obtain a "Record of Appearance" card from staff at the meeting in which they wish to speak. "Record of Appearance" cards are available beginning 30 minutes prior to the scheduled start of the meeting. Those wishing to speak must accurately complete the required sections of the card, and submit it to the appropriate staff member by 15 minutes after the start of the meeting. 5. Individuals will be called forward to speak by name, organization being represented, if applicable, and address. Each individual speaking to the Board will be required to identify himself or herself prior to giving public comment by stating their first and last name and, if applicable, any organization they represent. 6. In cases where more than one person wishes to speak on the same topic, their presentations to the Board may, at the discretion of the chair, be grouped together by topic. 7. If the number of people wishing to speak under the public comment portions of the agenda is large, the chair may rule that a public hearing be scheduled. 8. Persons speaking to the Board during public comment may make printed materials (paper no larger than 8.5 x 11 inches) available to the Board but may not use any other form of media. Public speakers are asked to provide 10 copies of any copies of printed materials presented to the Board. Persons attending Board meetings and/or speaking to the Board during Public Comment or during a public hearing must follow all requirements established by the Board, as well as all Board, chair and staff directions in order to help maintain the order, proper decorum, safety and security, and the non-disruptive functioning of the Board meeting. These include, but are not limited to the following:
If at any time persons appearing before the Board do not comply with these or any other Board requirements, it shall be the responsibility of the chair to declare that person or persons out of order and require a change in behavior, delay or recess the meeting, or refuse permission to continue to address the Board, and ultimately may require the person or persons to leave the premises of the Board meeting. |
The Lincoln Board of Education is authorized by state statute to hold a closed session by the affirmative vote of a majority of its voting members if a closed session is clearly necessary for the protection of the public interest or for the prevention of needless injury to the reputation of an individual. The subject matter and the reason necessitating the closed session are to be identified in the motion to close. Closed sessions may be held for, but shall not be limited to, such the subject matter and the reasons set forth in the Proposal section below.
Explanation |
11.1. Request for Closed Session - Negotiations/Collective Bargaining, Property/Real Estate, Litigation, Security, Criminal Misconduct, Personnel, and Legal Advice Matters
The Lincoln Board of Education is authorized by state statute to hold closed sessions. Closed sessions may be held when clearly necessary for the protection of the public interest or for the prevention of needless injury to the reputation of an individual. Reasons that meet this standard include but are not limited to: (a) strategy sessions with respect to collective bargaining, real estate matters, pending litigation, or litigation which is imminent as evidenced by communication of a claim or threat of litigation to or by the public body; (b) discussion regarding deployment of security personnel or devices; (c) investigative proceedings regarding allegations of criminal misconduct; (d) evaluation of the job performance of a person when necessary to prevent needless injury to the reputation of a person and if such person has not requested a public meeting; and (e) legal advice.
At this point, it is appropriate for the Board to meet in closed session for one of the stated matters and/or any other permissible closed session matters in compliance with the law. That the Board hold a closed session: 1. For strategy session with respect to negotiations/collective bargaining clearly necessary for the protection of the public interest or for the prevention of needless injury to the reputation of an individual in compliance with the law. 2. For strategy session with respect to property/real estate matters clearly necessary for the protection of the public interest or for the prevention of needless injury to the reputation of an individual in compliance with the law.
3. For strategy session with respect to pending litigation, or litigation which is imminent as evidenced by communication of a claim or threat of litigation to or by the public body clearly necessary for the protection of the public interest or for the prevention of needless injury to the reputation of an individual in compliance with the law.
4. For discussion regarding deployment of security personnel or devices clearly necessary for the protection of the public interest or for the prevention of needless injury to the reputation of an individual in compliance with the law.
5. For investigative proceedings regarding allegations of criminal misconduct clearly necessary for the protection of the public interest or for the prevention of needless injury to the reputation of an individual in compliance with the law.
6. For personnel and the evaluation of job performance clearly necessary for the protection of the public interest or for the prevention of needless injury to the reputation of an individual in compliance with the law.
7. For discussions of the legal consequences of specific action and legal advice clearly necessary for the protection of the public interest or for the prevention of needless injury to the reputation of an individual in compliance with the law. |