August 29, 2016 at 5:00 PM - Board of Education Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call the meeting to order
Public Participation at Board of Education Meetings: BOE Policy/Regulation 8346 outlines the parameters of public participation at Board meetings concerning items on the agenda as well as those not on the agenda. A copy of this policy is available in the Superintendent’s office and at each monthly Board meeting. |
2. Roll Call
3. Verification of Open Meetings Act Notice
4. Verification of publication of meeting notice
5. Consider and approve the current board meeting agenda
6. Action Items
6.1. Consent Agenda
6.1.1. Minutes of previous meetings
6.1.2. Monthly Financial Report
6.1.3. Claims
6.1.4. Consider and approve transfer of $32,377.44 from general fund to the activity fund.
Each year the accounts with a negative balance in the activities fund are "zeroed" out prior to the start of the next budget cycle. This transfer facilitates that. The following accounts currently have a negative balance and need to be zeroed out before next years's budget cycle ends. Athletics - 23,921.36 Annual - 4,146.48 Concessions- 750.20 Senior Banners - 302.07 St Council - 212.39 Speech/Drama - 2,947.69
ACE, 40 Dev - 54.57 Quiz Bowl - 42.68 Total $32,377.44 |
6.1.5. Consider and approve payment in the amount of $5,873.00 from the Special Buildings Fund to CEI for cell boosters.
Payment for cell boosters and installation.
6.1.6. Consider and approve payment of $17,902.44 to Welton Diesel for bus repairs and inspections.
2006 IHC bus repairs $17,136.28 Bus inspections and brakes $766.16
6.1.7. Consider and Approve Replacing 3 Air Conditioning Units
The air conditioning unit above the pantry in the kitchen has 2 leaks in the condenser coil and a frozen condenser fan motor. Since this is an older unit it would be cheaper and better to replace it. The air conditioning unit above 2 classrooms, Dianna Hammer and Kathy Schmidt, has a bad compressor.The compressor needs to be replaced. The wall air conditioning unit in Holly Largent's elementary classroom has also failed.
Total cost for all three is $12,187.00
6.2. Consider and approve payment of $76.81 to R & R Sales & Service, Inc. for parts.
Purchase of parts.
7. Adjournment