July 9, 2012 at 4:30 PM - July 2012 Regular Board Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call the meeting to order
Public Participation at Board of Education Meetings: BOE Policy/Regulation 8346 outlines the parameters of public participation at Board meetings concerning items on the agenda as well as those not on the agenda. A copy of this policy is available in the Superintendent’s office and at each monthly Board meeting. |
1.1. Roll Call
1.2. Verification of Open Meetings Act Notice
1.3. Verification of publication of meeting notice
2. Consider and approve minutes of previous meeting
3. Consider and approve the current board meeting agenda
4. Consider and approve bills
4.1. Consider and approve R & R repair bill (as needed)
4.2. Consider and approve payment from the Special Building Fund in the amount of $15,200 to Siel Construction for partial completion of drainage and concrete work in elementary and secondary entry ways
This is amount represents partial payment to Siel construction for the concrete and drainage work they have been doing along the northeast perimeter of the building. The work is progressing nicely and nearing completion.
4.3. Consider and approve payment from the Special Building Fund in the amount of $2100 for steam table in school kitchen
This is the cost of purchasing the steam table for the kitchen.
4.4. Consider and approve payment from the Special Building Fund in the amount of $152,000 to Magnum Builders for roofing the high school wing
This is payment for the roofing of the high school wing. They also installed the gutter on the bus barn for us for free. They do have some downspout issues on the north side to finish up, but other than that they are done. The folks from A-1 are still working on getting the HVAC units hooked up and in working order as well. For the most part, the project is wrapping up.
4.5. Consider and approve payment from the Depreciation Fund in the amount of $2,542.30 to Wilson Flooring for installation of carpet and vinyl cove base
This is partial payment for carpeting Becky Cleveland's room and for cove base that was removed and replaced in conjunction with the floor restoration project.
4.6. Consider and approve payment from the Depreciation Fund in the amount of $2227 to Sysco for replacement of booster heater in the school kitchen
The booster heater that provides hot water to the dishwasher went bad at the end of the school year. This is the bill to replace it.
5. Visitors' Comments
6. Reports
6.1. Principal's Report
6.2. Superintendent's Report
6.3. Board Members' Reports
6.4. Committee Reports
7. New Business
7.1. Planning
7.2. Policy Review
7.2.1. 6000 Series Policy
I'd like to schedule a time to meet with the members of the policy committee: Raquel, Kim, and Scott to go through the questions pertaining to the 6000 series. This section should be much easier to get through than the 5000 series. If the three of you could come with some possible dates and times that we could meet prior to the August meeting, that would be great. I will plan to do as I did before and go through each policy and raise any concerns or questions so that I can guide you in getting through it as quickly as possible. Attached you will find a summary of the Activity Fund Expenditures. We have discussed creating a schedule for students and sponsors when they travel to participate in activities. We will include this in this section of policy. There is A LOT of information in those expenditure reports. I thought you might want to see them to get an idea of the scope of the expenditures as we develop that schedule for expenses.
8. Action Items
8.1. Consider and approve rescinding resignation of Kelsey Rahjes
Kelsey has requested that you rescind her resignation since it was tabled for future consideration.
8.2. Consider and approve financial support of FCCLA conference attendee (Megan Bydalek)and sponsor
The amount of $450 is being requested to help Megan and her sponsor (her mother) attend the national convention where Megan qualified in "public speaking".
8.3. Consider and approve declaring 1990 Chevy Bus Vin #N1GBJ6P1F3LV11018 as surplus for immediate disposal
This bus is one that Stacey says we need to get rid of. I would ask that you declare it surplus. That way he and I can advertise it for sealed bids in the paper, or we can take it up for scrap metal. The folks at the bus company will only give you about $250 in trade. The metal in the bus is worth more than that. Stacey and I think we can get between $500-$750 out of it.
8.4. Consider and approve contract with Educational Service Unit #9 for the purpose of providing transitional services for 18+ Program Participants from Franklin Public Schools
This is the contract for services with ESU 9 to provide special education services to 3 of our students. After this next year, two of those students will graduate, which will reduce the cost by 2/3rd's. The current cost for the 3 students will be $38,861. As we have discussed before, we are still money ahead by contracting for the service and not hiring a teacher. We will be way ahead by contracting for the service when we only have one student.
8.5. Consider and approve renewing membership in Nebraska Rural Community Schools Association (NRCSA)
This is the annual renewal for our membership in Nebraska Rural Community Schools Association (NRCSA). The renewal is $700.
8.6. Consider and approve superintendent's evaluation
9. Discussion Items
9.1. NASB Area Membership Meeting on September 12th in Kearney at 4:45
If anyone would like to attend this area membership meeting, please let me know and I will get you registered. Also, please remember that when you travel to such events you can be reimbursed for mileage or use a school vehicle. Please just let me know if you wish to attend by September 1st. A copy of the flyer indicating the topics discussed is attached to this agenda item.
9.2. Building Improvement
Attached you will find a letter from Chief Electric. They have been doing some work in the building for us this summer. Doug, the owner, wanted me to pass along the letter of concern he wrote regarding two electrical panels in the building. I told him I'd make sure you got the letter. I have already made arrangements with him to have this taken care of either this summer or during a school break in the near future. The estimated cost is about $5000, so I did want you to be aware of the rationale for the expenditure, which is clearly detailed in the letter from Doug.
9.3. Annual Transportation Report
The annual transportation reports, as submitted by Stacey, are attached. This year, we have replaced one of our passenger vans using sped money. We have replaced one of the route buses. We have replaced the school pick up. I do still have money, about $37,000, which I budgeted for another used route bus. I have been in contact with Master's Transportation in Kearney, and they are looking for a bus that is about 5 years old with less than 60,000 miles and in that price range. The smaller ones, like the last one we bought, are hard to come by locally. Stacey is also keeping his eye out for a replacement. If we don't find one this year, we'll continue to look. We will continue to use the vehicle replacement schedule that we agreed to this year. I will know more about the possibility of vehicle replacement and acquisitions after I begin to work on the 2012-13 budget.
9.4. Negotiations (Executive Session)
The board's negotiations committee met with the teacher's negotiations committee on June 26th. Ron, John, and Raquel will be presenting you with the final offer made by the teachers at that meeting. You should formulate a counter offer for the teachers to keep the process moving forward. I will let Ron, John, and Raquel share their thoughts with you. The key priority issues as identified by the teachers and the board members are base pay increase, insurance deductible amount, and leave time. A summary of the information for the schools in our array are attached in an Excel spreadsheet. If there is other specific information you wish to have prior to discussing this topic at the board meeting, please let me know so that I can have it available for you.
10. Positive Comments
11. Adjournment