May 12, 2014 at 8:00 PM - Regular May 2014 Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call the meeting to order
Public Participation at Board of Education Meetings: BOE Policy/Regulation 8346 outlines the parameters of public participation at Board meetings concerning items on the agenda as well as those not on the agenda. A copy of this policy is available in the Superintendent’s office and at each monthly Board meeting. |
1.1. Verification of Open Meetings Act Notice
1.2. Verification of publication of meeting notice
1.3. Roll Call
2. Consider and approve the current board meeting agenda
3. Action Items
3.1. Consent Agenda
3.1.1. Minutes of previous meetings
3.1.2. Monthly Financial Report
3.1.3. Claims
3.1.4. Consider and approve 2014-15 School Calendar
The staff and the board have had the opportunity to make input on the calendar. The administration has considered the input and would recommend you accept the final draft of the 2014-15 calendar as it is presented. Instructional hours will be calculated and added to the calendar after it is approved.
3.1.5. Consider and approve payment of $1621.91 to Chief Electric for replacement of lighting ballast, worn receptacles, and worn wiring
3.1.6. Consider and declare items as surplus for immediate sale or disposal
There are 9 tables in Diana Hammer's room that will be replaced this summer. I'd ask that you declare these tables as surplus for resale.
Mrs. Schegg has an Oster blender that has a burnt motor. I'd ask that you declare that as surplus for disposal. Mrs. Polly Sindt ask that the following books be declared as surplus for disposal: ISBN: 0-02-194773-2 Triumphs Teacher Manual 5th 0-02-194774-0 Triumphs Teacher Manual 6th (3) 0-618-27723-4 Houghton Mifflin Math 6 (2) 0-618-27722-6 Houghton Mifflin Math 5 (3) 0-618-33870-5 Houghton Mifflin Math 6C 978-0-669-01317-7 Math In Focus 3A 0-618-33866-7 Houghton Mifflin Math 4 0-618-33867-5 Houghton Mifflin Math 5 978-0-669-01315-3 Math In Focus 1A 0-618-33859-4 Houghton Mifflin Math 1 978-0-669-01381-8 Math In Focus 5A 0-618-33861-6 Houghton Mifflin Math 2 Old concession stand popcorn popper (to be replaced in Summer of 2014) Mrs. DeJonge asks that the following book manual be declared surplus: Dibels CBM Testing Materials (Copyright 2005) Mr. Sidlo asks that you declare the computer equipment in the attached list as surplus for immediate disposal or sale. Mrs. Sidman requests that you declare the following cassette tapes as surplus for immediate disposal: "Great Legends of Ancient Greece" "Daedalus and Icarus" "Perseus and Medusa" "Prometheus" "Tale of Demeter and Persephone" "Theseus and the Minotaur" "Odyssey" "Golden Fleece" "Labor of Hercules" "Pegasus the Winged Horse" "The Iliad" Mr. Dreher ask that the publications in the attached document be declared as surplus for immediate sale or disposal
3.1.7. Consider and approve providing $125 per cheerleader to be applied toward uniform purchase for 2014-15 school year
Each year the cheerleaders request help paying for their uniforms. Their annual request is attached to this agenda item.
3.1.8. Consider and approve providing $200 of sponsorship for each WLC Participant
Tristan Bruce & Bethany Aberle are this year's WLC Participants.
3.1.9. Consider and approve providing $150 of sponsorship for ESU #11 Summer Honors Program Participants
3.1.10. Consider and approve making $400 contribution to the TVC Athletic Conference as requested by TVC President
When activity receipts for the conference aren't high enough, they will request that we help subsidize the TVC. They have made such a request this year.
3.1.11. Consider and approve hiring Taylor Janssen as 10-12 Social Studies Teacher & Head High School Basketball Coach
3.1.12. Consider and approve resignation of para professional Karin Price
3.1.13. Consider and approve accepting resignation of Steve Rasmussen
3.1.14. Consider and approve amended superintendent's contract
When the principals negotiated their contracts, they negotiated for increased dental coverage. In order to qualify to be a subgroup, there needed to be at least three people to form and insurance subgroup, so the coverage was also extended to the third administrator, the superintendent. The three administrators will comprise the subgroup for the increased dental coverage option. Because of the fact that this decision was made after the board approved the superintendent's contract at the December meeting, the contract has been amended and resubmitted for approval.
3.2. Consider and approve school lunch prices for the 2014-15 school year
Current 2013-14 lunch prices for full priced meals are:
K-4 Breakfast: $1.60 5-12 Breakfast: $1.75 Adult Breakfast: $2.00 K-4 Lunch: $2.25 5-12 Lunch: $2.75 Adult Staff Lunch: $3.25 Adult Visitor Lunch: $3.75 Seconds: $0.75 A calculation tool for the minimum increase to school lunch is offered by NDE nutrition services. We are required annually to use this tool to calculate the minimum price increase necessary. This year, the calculated minimum price increase is $0.00. I would recommend increasing prices 10-25 cents per meal. Student survey information gathered by the kitchen staff regarding menu item favorites for the purpose of formulating menus is also attached. Items that are homemade are noted.
4. Discussion Items
4.1. FCCLA National Qualifiers Presentation (Brooke Adam & Brigitte Siel)-8:30 PM
Brooke & Brigitte qualified for the National Convention in San Antonio, TX. They will be in to share their 10-15 minute presentation.
4.2. ESU #11 Presentation (Paul Tedesco)-9:00 PM
Paul Tedesco, ESU 11 Administrator, would like to come in and share information about ESU 11 with the board and the visitors for about 10-15 minutes.
4.3. June Board Meeting Time-Reminder
The June 9, 2014 Regular Franklin Public School Board Meeting will be held at 12:00 noon at the Black Powder in the back conference room.
4.4. Summer Projects Update
1. The lockers have been ordered from Lightning Lockers. There is a slight priced difference from the original bid because we had to add a couple of lockers.
2. The kitchen lighting project was completed and paid for last month (April). 3. Three other contractors were contacted to offer bids and a newspaper ad was run for two weeks to solicit bids for the concrete project in the parking lot. No other bids were offered by the April 30th deadline. Siel Construction, the lone bidder, was awarded the bid. 4. Custodial staff was informed of the need to more regularly and thoroughly clean the pop corn popper. 5. The lights in the multi-purpose room have been changed. It made a big difference in light quality. 6. The painters are lined up to come in the week after school and paint the elementary hallway. 7. The flooring company has been contacted and reminded to come in after school is out to fix the north 4 courses of tile in the kitchen. 8. Wrestling mats for the deck have been ordered and they will be delivered and paid for in September, as discussed at the April Board Meeting. An additional competitive bid was secured from Dullamur due to the original bid being over $5,000. Those bids are attached to this agenda item.
4.5. Annual Board Retreat
We need to decide what month, format, and topic we would like to tackle for our annual board retreat. Mr. Siel has suggested focusing on financial planning for the future. Mr. Schroeder will take input from the group and begin to make the arrangements after the group comes to a consensus. I have provided a brochure for a service provided by Marcia Herring from NASB, who could facilitate such a planning session.
4.6. 4000 Series Policy
Between the April and May Board Meeting, board members are asked to please review the 4000 series of policy and bring any suggested revisions or changes to Mr. Schroeder's attention. None were noted at this time.
4.7. 5000 Series Policy
The staff and board members were encourage to look at the 5000 series of policy between the March and April Board Meeting. There will be a need for the policy committee to meet with the administration to review and revise several sections of existing policy in advance of the May Board Meeting, including sections pertaining to:
1. The Wellness Policy 2. Graduation Requirements 3. Grading Practices 4. Student Handbook
4.8. School Board Candidates
There is an opportunity for school board candidates to attend an NASB Training. This is an opportunity to discuss how else the board might support board candidates as election draws closer.
The workshop is July 10th in Kearney at the Holiday Inn from 5:30-7:00 PM. The cost of the workshop is $10 per attendee.
5. Visitor Comments
6. Elementary Principal's Report
Elementary Principal’s Report End of the Year Activities Field Day Activities: As we wind down the school year we will have the annual track and field day on Wednesday, May 21st. The track events will go from 8:30-11:00. We will break for lunch from 11:00-12:30. Then continue with some team fun events at the practice field in the afternoon from 12:30-2:30. The “Bandits” (former PTA) members will once again offer sack lunches for parents to purchase on that day. Movie Day: The students will be headed to the Rose Bowl Theater on the morning of Thursday, May 22nd for a movie. I would like to acknowledge Cindy Rubendall for all she does for the students in preparation for the movie. It takes a lot of popcorn and pop! The concessions and use of the building is greatly appreciated. Thank you, Rose Bowl Theater Board members! 4th Quarter Honors Convocation: We will be having a 4th quarter Honors Convocation on the afternoon of the 22nd at 1:30pm. We will be presenting to the 6th grade students a special award this year. The President's Education Awards Program (PEAP) honors graduating elementary, middle and high school students for their achievement and hard work. The program has provided individual recognition from the President and the U.S. Secretary of Education to those students whose outstanding efforts have enabled them to meet challenging standards of excellence. This award has been given in the past and will continue to be given in the 6th, 8th and 12th grade levels. Students who receive the award are selected based on their GPA and their performance on the MAPS testing at the 6th grade level. They will receive a sign certificate from President Obama and a pin of recognition.
7. Secondary Principal/Activities Director's Report
High School Principal’s Report – May 2014 Board of Education 1. Academic Information
2. Activity Information
4. Other Information
8. Superintendent's Report
1. Please verify your points earned through NASB Participation and let me know if there are any corrections. A pdf with your individual, annual printouts are included with this agenda item.
9. Positive Comments
10. Adjournment