April 24, 2023 at 5:30 PM - Special School Board Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call to Order
2. Conflict of Interest Disclosure
3. Communication from the public - This is an opportunity to provide input regarding Federal Programs (i.e. Title I, Title VI, Title VII-Impact Aid, JOM) or other areas of interest or concern. Patrons are encouraged to follow the established chain of command. The public participation policy is attached.
4. Adoption of the Agenda
5. Consider construction bids
6. South Central Cooperative Report and Receipt of 4.5.23 minutes
7. Approve resignations
8. FFA Supplemental Contract
9. Facility Use Agreement
10. Approve TDA/ACDC Handbook
11. Approve Participation in Teacher Apprenticeship Program
12. Declare property for surplus that is no longer necessary, useful or suitable for the propose for which it was acquired.
12.A. Accept appraisal and declare manner of disposal.
13. Motion to Adjourn