May 13, 2024 at 6:00 PM - Centura Board of Education Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call the meeting to order
2. Pledge of Allegiance and Recognition of Nebraska Open Meetings Act
3. Centura Mission Statement: Centura and its collaborative partners are an innovative community empowering all students to be successful today and in the future.
4. Centura Vision Statement: A community about students, excellence and innovation
5. Roll call - excuse/not excuse board members who are absent
6. Recognition of visitors and public comment per Centura Public Schools Policy No. 2004-12
7. Celebration of Excellence
8. Discuss monthly financial report
9. Approval of Consent Agenda
9.1. Minutes from previous month's meeting(s)
9.2. General Fund Claims - $629,941.24 (Payroll: $529,915.64, Payables: $100,025.60)
10. Action Items
10.1. Human Resources
10.1.1. Approval of certified staff resignations
10.1.2. Approval of certified new hires
10.1.3. Discuss, consider, and potentially approve the addition of an interim Dean of Students / Athletic Director administrative position for the 2024-2025 school year.
10.2. Discuss, consider, and potentially approve updates to the preschool enrollment policy.
10.3. Discuss, consider, and potentially approve catastrophic student insurance coverage for the 24-25 school year.
11. Information Items: Reports
11.1. Elementary Principal report
11.2. Secondary Principal report
11.3. Superintendent report
11.4. Board President report
12. Board Committee Reports
12.1. Facilities, Finance, and Transportation Committee
12.2. Committee of the Whole
13. Discussion/Information Items
13.1. Discuss and review Superintendent Evaluation.
14. Next Meeting date and time - June 17, 2024 - Committee of the Whole will start @ 5:00pm followed by the Board Meeting at 6:00pm
15. Adjournment