March 25, 2025 at 7:00 PM - Wahoo City Council Agenda
Agenda |
Pledge of Allegiance
Announcement of the Open Meetings Act
Call to order and roll call
Audience comments on items not listed on the agenda
Department head reports
Consent Agenda
1. Acceptance of excused absence of Mayor or Council member(s)
2. Approval of the March 11, 2025, minutes of the City Council
3. Approval of claims
Public hearing and associated action items
Action items not requiring a public hearing
1. Approval of Resolution No. 2025-03 regarding construction of sidewalks in Heritage Heights
2. Discussion regarding possible zoning change to parts of Chestnut Street
3. Approval of a waiver of separate submittals for final plat of Original Town Block 26 Replat.
Mayor's comments on items not listed on the agenda
Council Comments on items not listed on the agenda
Upcoming planned meeting dates and agenda deadlines