April 14, 2016 at 6:00 PM - Work Session
Agenda | |
1. Roll Call
2. Announcement
As required by Nebraska law, the public is advised that copies of the Open Meetings Act are available to the public. As this is a Work Session for members of the Board of Education, residents of the District may speak only when a Board Member or the Superintendent requests that the person is allowed to do so and the Board President recognizes that person. As per Board of Education Policy 204.12, "At no time during a meeting of the Board shall comments or questions relating to the employees of the District be permitted; such comments or questions should be referred to the Superintendent at another time."
3. Welcome to HEA reps and guests
4. Tour of Alcott - Trent Kelly
5. Deadline for Board Notice of Non-Renewal of Superintendent's Contract - Jim Boeve
6. Determine Senior High Graduation attendees - Craig Kautz
Graduation is May 15, 2016
7. *Approve recommended Reduction in Force - Craig Kautz
8. *Approve 2016 Hastings High Athletic Hall of Fame Inductees - Craig Kautz
9. Information on "Spotlight on Learning"- Hawthorne
Hawthorne will present the Spotlight On Learning
10. *Approve Food Service Contract - Jeff Schneider
It is recommended that we continue our food service contract with Lunchtime Solutions for the next five years.
11. *Student Fees and Lunch Prices - Jeff Schneider/Tracy Douglas
12. *Acceptance of contracted non-resident life skills students - Donna Moss/Jeff Schneider
13. *Approve tentative list of 2016 Senior High graduates - Chad Dumas
14. Consent agenda
15. Reminders
NASB School Law Seminar - June 9 and 10 - Kearney May 4th at 1:45 - Hawthorne PLC Celebration at Hawthorne Elementary Gym Let Diana know if you wish to attend. |
16. Reports, etc., at Board Meeting
a. Good News
b. Spotlight on Learning |
17. Upcoming meetings
a. Board Meeting - April 18, 2016 - 7:00 p.m. - City Council Chambers b. Hawthorne PLC Celebration - May 4, 2016 - 1:45 p.m. - Hawthorne Gym c. May Work Session - May 12, 2016 - 6:00 p.m. - TBD d. May Board Meeting - May 16, 2016 - 7:00 p.m. - City Council Chambers |
18. Adjournment
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.