November 13, 2014 at 6:00 PM - Work Session
Agenda | |
1. Roll Call
2. Announcement - Jim Boeve
As required by Nebraska law, the public is advised that copies of the Open Meetings Act are available to the public. As this is a Work Session for members of the Board of Education, residents of the District may speak only when a Board Member or the Superintendent requests that the person is allowed to do so and the Board President recognizes that person. As per Board of Education Policy 204.12, "At no time during a meeting of the Board shall comments or questions relating to the employees of the District be permitted; such comments or questions should be referred to the Superintendent at another time."
3. Welcome to HEA reps and guests - Jim Boeve
4. Review of Board Norms - Jim Boeve
5. Learning Team Visits - Jim Boeve
6. Review of Final State Education Conference Plans - Jim Boeve
There is a Suburban reserved at the Bus Barn for 5:30 a.m. on 11/20. Let Diana know if you are going in the Suburban.
7. Declaration to run for President of the Board - Jim Boeve
The President of the Board shall issue, at the November Work Session of the Board, written Notification of Intent to Continue should he or she be eligible to serve as a Board Member following reorganization and wish to continue as the President of the Board.
8. Declaration to run for Vice President of the Board - Laura Schneider
The Vice-President of the Board shall issue, at the November Work Session of the Board, written Notification of Intent to Continue should he or she be eligible to serve as a Board Member following reorganization and wish to continue as the Vice-President of the Board.
9. Board Self Assessment Forms - Craig Kautz
10. Deadline for Superintendent to give notice, December 1, and deadline for Board to give notice, December 31 - Craig Kautz
11. Annual Review of Superintendent Contract and job description - Craig Kautz
12. Initiation of overall program planning - Craig Kautz
13. Parent-Teacher Conferences - Craig Kautz
14. Hall of Fames - Craig Kautz
15. Review of NCLB Status - Chad Dumas
16. Minimum Wage Change Response - Jeff Schneider
17. *Acceptance of Bid on Watson portion of Elementary School Improvement Project - Jeff Schneider/Trent Kelly
It will be recommended that the Board of Education, at the Regular Board Meeting, approve the bid of Farris Construction of Hastings in the amount of $4,152,643.00 for the Watson portion of the Elementary School Improvement Project.
18. Update on Hawthorne Portion of Elementary School Improvement Project - Jeff Schneider/Trent Kelly
19. Information on "Spotlight on Learning" - Middle School - Craig Kautz
20. Update on United Way Drive - Katherine Warrings
As a District, for 2014-2015, we raised $15,078.67 for United Way and $1,597 for the Community Health Charities. This United Way total is the 5th highest amount HPS has ever raised. |
21. *Consent agenda - Craig Kautz
22. Reminders - Jim Boeve
Regular Board Meeting - Monday, November 17 - 7:00 p.m. - City Council Chambers
State Education Conference - LaVista - November 19 - 21 New Board Member Workshop - December 11, 2014 - Grand Island - Let Diana know if you wish to attend and she will register you. |
23. Reports, etc., at Board Meeting - Jim Boeve
a. Good News
b. Spotlight on Learning |
24. Upcoming meetings
Board Meeting, Monday, November 17, 7:00 p.m., City Council Chambers |
25. Executive Session
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
The Board will go into Closed Session to discuss real estate and personnel issues. Discussion shall be confined to these issues. This action is consistent with applicable state law; i.e., Nebraska Revised Statute 84-1410, Reissue 1981, and with Board Policy 204.06 and is clearly necessary for the protection of the public interest and for the prevention of needless injury to the reputation of an individual and such individual has not requested a public meeting.
The Closed Session began at ________ p.m. |
26. The Board of Education returned to Open Session
27. Adjournment