March 12, 2015 at 6:00 PM - Work Session Template
Agenda | |
1. Roll Call
2. Announcement
As required by Nebraska law, the public is advised that copies of the Open Meetings Act are available to the public. As this is a Work Session for members of the Board of Education, residents of the District may speak only when a Board Member or the Superintendent requests that the person is allowed to do so and the Board President recognizes that person. As per Board of Education Policy 204.12, "At no time during a meeting of the Board shall comments or questions relating to the employees of the District be permitted; such comments or questions should be referred to the Superintendent at another time."
3. Welcome to HEA reps and guests
4. Board Norms
5. Staff Appreciation Day feedback - Jim Boeve
6. Board Building Visitation Reports - Jim Boeve
7. Skills USA Update - Craig Kautz
8. Possible sub-committee visit of G.I. CPI - Craig Kautz
9. Legislative Update - Craig Kautz
10. *Enrollment Option Limits - Craig Kautz
11. *Add a special education paraeducator position at Watson Elementary - Craig Kautz
The administration recommends the addition of a special educator paraeducator position at Watson Elementary to serve the needs of an individual student.
12. *Consent agenda - Craig Kautz
13. *Second Reading of Revised Policy 201.02 - Craig Kautz
14. *First Reading of Revised Policy 507.02 - Student Directory Information - Craig Kautz
15. Information on "Spotlight on Learning" - Craig Kautz
The Educator of the Year nominees will be recognized.
16. Approve paper bid for 2015-2016 at the Work Session - Jeff Schneider
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
The administration recommends acceptance of the bid from Coop Purchase in the amount of $39,640 to provide paper to the school district for approximately one year. The money will come from the General Fund.
17. Update on Universal Breakfast Pilot - Jeff Schneider
18. *Approve student fees for 2015-2016 - Jeff Schneider
19. *Approve Activity Bus purchase - Jeff Schneider
20. *Approve HVAC bid for Alcott Elementary - Jeff Schneider
21. *Approve HVAC bid for Longfellow Elementary - Jeff Schneider
22. *Approve custodial bid supplies in the total amount of $59,530.81
23. *Approve Freeholder Petition - Jeff Schneider
24. *Approve Foreign Language Trip for 2016 - Chad Dumas
25. *Approval of the Hastings Public Schools Elementary Life Skills Program - Donna Moss
26. *Renewal of OT Pediatric Services with Grand Island Physical Therapy - Donna Moss
27. Reminders - Jim Boeve
NASB Basics of School Law - 3/31/15 - Kearney
NASB Open Meetings Law Workshop - 4/29/15 - Kearney Let Diana know if you wish to attend either of these workshops |
28. Reports, etc., at Board Meeting
a. Good News
b. Spotlight on Learning - Recognize Educator of the Year Nominees |
29. Upcoming meetings
a. Board Meeting, Monday, March 16, 7:00 p.m., City Council Chambers
b. Work Session, Thursday, April 16, 6:00 p.m., District Conference Room c. Board Meeting, Monday, April 20, 7:00 p.m., City Council Chambers |
30. Executive Session
The Board will go into Closed Session to discuss the Superintendent's evaluation, real estate and personnel issues. Discussion shall be confined to these issues. This action is consistent with applicable state law; i.e., Nebraska Revised Statute 84-1410, Reissue 1981, and with Board Policy 204.06 and is clearly necessary for the protection of the public interest and for the prevention of needless injury to the reputation of an individual and such individual has not requested a public meeting.
The Closed Session began at ________ p.m. |
31. The Board of Education returned to Open Session at ______ p.m.
32. Adjournment