September 15, 2015 at 5:00 PM - Work Session
Agenda | |
1. Roll Call
2. Announcement - Jim Boeve
As required by Nebraska law, the public is advised that copies of the Open Meetings Act are available to the public. As this is a Work Session for members of the Board of Education, residents of the District may speak only when a Board Member or the Superintendent requests that the person is allowed to do so and the Board President recognizes that person. As per Board of Education Policy 204.12, "At no time during a meeting of the Board shall comments or questions relating to the employees of the District be permitted; such comments or questions should be referred to the Superintendent at another time."
3. Welcome to HEA reps and guests
4. PLC Visits - Jim Boeve
5. *Approve NASB Region 12 representative - Jim Boeve
Each Board has one (1) vote. The ballot must be completed and sent to NASB no later than October 16, 2015. The two candidates for the Region 12 representative are: Laura Schneider, Hastings Public Schools - Incumbent Lisa Wagner, Central City Public Schools |
6. Public Hearing on Proposal to Adopt the 2015-2016 School Budget - Jeff Schneider
Jeff Schneider, Director of Finance and Operations, will provide information about the proposed budget for the 2015-2016 school year. This budget has been developed by the administration and Board of Education; and a draft of it was reviewed by the Board at a Work Session held on August 13, 2015. The proposed budget, if approved and adopted by the Board of Education, will be implemented as of September 1, 2015. Public participation of persons who would like to address the Board of Education on action related to the 2015-2016 school-year budget will be given the opportunity to speak at this time. If there are several persons who wish to address the Board on this matter, the Board President will assign a time limit for each speaker. |
7. Public Hearing on action to set the property tax requests necessary to fund the 2015-2016 School Budget - Jeff Schneider
Jeff Schneider, Director of Finance and Operations, will provide information on the need to set the total dollar amount of taxes to be raised through property taxation for the 2015-2016 school budget. Public participation of persons who would like to address the Board of Education about the total dollar amount of taxes to be raised through property taxation for the 2015-2016 budget will be given the opportunity to speak at this time. If there are several persons who wish to address the Board on this matter, the Board President will assign a time limit for each speaker. |
8. Approve the proposed budget for the 2015-2016 school year - Jeff Schneider
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
Depending upon the information presented during the public hearing, the administration may recommend that the Board of Education approve and adopt the proposed budget for the 2015-2016 school year. The administration recommends that the Board of Education approve the budget for the 2015-2016 school year, as provided to the Board. |
9. Approve the 2015-2016 property tax request amounts - Jeff Schneider
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
Depending upon the information presented during the public hearing, the administration may recommend that the Board of Education adopt a resolution establishing the amount of property tax dollars which will need to be collected to fund the 2015-2016 school-year budget at the following property tax request amounts: General Fund Bond Fun Special Building Fund Qualified Capital Purpose Undertaking Fund
10. *Approve Second Reading of Revised Policy 706.02 - Purchasing Policies - Jeff Schneider
Wording has been added regarding environmentally friendly products and services.
11. *Approve Facility Use Request from Lutheran Youth of Nebraska - Jeff Schneider
12. *Approve Senior High Field Trip Request - Renaissance Faire - Chad Dumas
The Senior High English Department has requested permission to take 11th and 12th grade students to the Kansas City Renaissance Faire on October 10, 2015.
13. Information on "Spotlight on Learning" - Craig Kautz
The Spotlight on Learning will feature Hastings Middle School
14. *Approve the 2015-2016 SPED Contract with ESU #9 - Donna Moss
15. *Approve the creation of a Technology Facilitator position - Craig Kautz
It is recommended that the Board approve the creation of a Technology Facilitator position due to the non-replacement of the Community Outreach Coordinator position. This will be a classified hourly position. Pay range will be $16.25 to $19.50 per hour
16. *Approve change in Accompanist position - Craig Kautz
It is recommended that this position be changed to 5 hours per day and $13.50 per hour based on comparability to other Districts.
17. *Approve First Reading of New Policy 605.041 - Return to Learn From Cancer - Craig Kautz
18. *Approve First reading of New Policy and Rule 402 - Equal Employment Opportunity and Eliminate Policy 402.01 Equal Employment Opportunity - Craig Kautz
19. *Approve First Reading of Revised Policy and Rule 404.06 - Anti-Discrimination, Anti-Harassment, and Anti-Retaliation - Craig Kautz
20. *Approve First Reading of Revised Policy 504.18 - Anti-Discrimination, Anti-Harassment, and Anti-Retaliation and Eliminate Present Policy 504.18- Craig Kautz
21. *Approve First Reading of New Policy 504.181 - Anti-Bullying Policy - Craig Kautz
22. *Approve First Reading of New Policy 803.05 - Records Management and Disposition - Craig Kautz
23. Consent agenda
24. Reminders
Registration for the State Board of Education Conference opens tomorrow, 9/16. Please let Diana know if you wish to attend and also if you need a hotel room. We can then TRY to reserve a room beginning at 10:00 a.m. on September 28th.
25. Reports, etc., at Board Meeting
a. Good News
b. Spotlight on Learning - Middle School |
26. Upcoming meetings
a. Board Meeting, Monday, September 21, 2015, 7:00 p.m. City Council Chambers b. Work Session, Tuesday, October 13, 2015 - 6:00 p.m., District Conference Room c. Board Meeting, Monday, October 19, 2015 - 7:00 p.m., City Council Chambers |
27. Adjournment
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.