September 12, 2023 at 9:00 AM - TEST - Board of Equalization & Supervisors
Agenda |
1. Please silence all cell phones
2. Pledge Allegiance and Prayer
3. Roll Call
4. Inform public of the posting of the open meeting laws
5. The meeting notice was published in the Columbus Telegram on ______________ and the Humphrey Democrat on ________________
6. Approval of agenda as written
7. Discussion and possible action on the following:
8. County Treasurer
Jenny Reppert
8.a. Moter Vehicle Exemptions
9. Motion to adjourn to
10. Please silence all cell phones
11. Pledge of Allegiance and Prayer
12. Roll call
13. Inform public of the posting of the open meeting laws
14. The meeting notice was published in the Columbus Telegram on ______________ and the Humphrey Democrat on ___________________
15. Approve the agenda as written
16. Approve the minutes for ______________ as written
17. Discussion and possible action on the following:
17.a. Add Items here
18. Highway Department
18.a. Road report
19. Committee Reports
20. Motion to accept, file and credit the proper accounts in correspondence
21. Motion to approve claims
22. Public Comments
23. Motion to Adjourn to
24. To accept, file correspondence and credit the proper accounts: