1. Budget and Finance: See enclosed finance report.
2. 2016-17 Contracts: The board of education is reviewing the support staff salary schedule and support staff contracts for the 2016-17 school year. The board of education will review salary increases set last year for the 2015-16, 2016-17, and 2017-18 school years. The board's finance committee will finalize any changes to this schedule and will take action on support staff contracts in May.
3. Requisitions/Inventory: COOP Requisitions are due on March 30th. Other requisitions are due April 30th, and inventory must be updated before June 1st.
4. Building/Summer Projects: The board approved the building and grounds proposal for 2016. Ron Mundil will begin working with outside vendors and contractors to schedule the work.
APL Workshops: We will be hosting APL Workshops for teachers and administrators. Dave Gibbons will let you know how to setup the two gyms at SES. We will need tables and chairs from the other buildings along with a sound system for one of the gyms. I will make sure Jeff Droge is aware of any technology needs.