1. Finance Report: See attached report.
2. 2015-16 Support staff Recognition: The Schuyler Foundation and Chamber of Commerce will be recognizing an outstanding support staff member (food service, custodial/maintenance, administrative assistant) along with the outstanding teacher and para-educator recognition program. This person will be recognized along with the teacher and para-educator of the year on May 19th.
3. 2016-17 Support Staff Contracts: The board finance committee met and reviewed our support staff salary schedule. We have no recommended changes and your salaries/benefits are settled for both the 2016-17 and 2017 18 school years. They will approve the 2016-17 contracts and any summer contracts at their regular meeting on May 9th. You will be receiving your contract on Friday, after the April board meeting with a return date of May 2nd. You will have an option on your health insurance coverage for the 2016-17 school year. Marlene will schedule a date with a BC/BS rep before the end of the school year so that you will have time to make a decision on your coverage for next year.
4. Summer School/Food Service Programs: Please make sure you contact your principal or Dave Gibbons if you are interested in summer work. We will be offering summer contracts later in April for Board approval on May 9th.
5. Fred Arnold Track Meet: Those wishing to work the Fred Arnold Track Meet on April 21st should let their principal know. The track meet will begin at 12:00 PM. You can request to work the meet or work in the concession stand. We will pay up to an 8 hour day.
6. APL Workshop: The board amended the calendar to accommodate the APL (teacher/principal) workshop scheduled for April 26 and 27. You can use PTO or vacation days for these non-work days.