May 17, 2016 at 9:00 AM - Schuyler Administration Meeting @ SMS SPED Office
Agenda |
I. Discussion Items
1. Assessment & Advisory Committee: Review of proposed meeting agenda. Discuss Mentor/Mentee new teacher assistance program for 2016-17 school year. 2. Leadership Blueprint: Scheduled for May 25-26 at the Benedictine Retreat Center. Workshops run from 8:00 to 4:00 PM. All administrators are required to attend. Please complete your 360 review as soon as possible, and please complete the requested reviews as well. Thanks! 3. Staff Recognition: We will host our year-end staff recognition day on May 19th at 8:00 AM. Please check with Sally to make sure we have all staff members from your building included in the program. If you have any videos to play or want something put on the agenda, please let me know. 4. Requisitions/Inventory: Building principals should be reviewing the staff requisitions from their buildings. If you have any questions, please contact Sally and she will walk you through this program. Remember, inventories must be updated before you check out at the end of May. 5. VSP Changes: We moved from VSP to VSP Direct. This is a cost savings to our employees and a benefit increase. Attached and included below is information about the changes and timeline for the changes. 6. BC/BS Health Insurance Update: We will be offering two deductible options for your health insurance plan for the 2016-17 school year. The current $750 deductible will increase to $900. The HSA eligible option requires the board of education to put the premium savings into a health care savings plan that stays with the employee. Sue Warner from Blue Cross will be here on May 23rd at 2:30 to further explain the benefits and answer questions about each plan. 7. Life and Long Term Disability Plan: We are considering changing our life and disability insurance plans for the 2016-17 school year. The new life insurance plan offers better options for expanding life insurance amounts and coverage for employees and their family members. The disability plan also provides better coverage and consolidates the short and long term plans under one plan. In addition, we are recommending moving to VSP Direct to improve our coverage and lower costs to our employees. Steve Ott from National Insurance will be here on May 24th at 2:30 to answer questions about these changes. 8. Extended Contracts: There is still some confusion about extra-duty supervision and contract days. We all agreed that we would work up to 40 hours of non-contract day supervision and any hours after that would be paid at $20 per hour. I asked for June and July calendars for each administrator. Some of you put it on a google doc. I am going to ask you to resubmit your June and July schedules with your remaining contract days listed. I also need a calendar completed for any teacher in your building that has an extended contract for this school year. 9. June Board Meeting Items: 2016-17 Handbooks, 2015-16 student fees collected, 2016-17 lunch prices, 2016-17 activity fees (6-12, Fall, Winter, Annual), Policies: Student Fees, Bullying and Harassment, Internet Safety. We also need to discuss summer administrative meeting schedule. |