August 23, 2016 at 9:00 AM - Schuyler Administration Meeting @ SPED Office
Agenda |
I. Discussion Items
1. Filemaker Program Review: Review all filemaker programs to make sure all administrators can access these programs. Please review the teacher list and update the list reflecting any changes so that I can reassign all inventory to the new teacher. 2. Facilities Update: The preschool facility is nearly complete with the sprinkler and seeding completed. We are waiting on some playground equipment and for the gates to be installed. Rubber mulch is onsite. Field House: They will be sealing the concrete floors this week. Please keep out of the building and make sure your staff stays out this week. The concrete tested too high to put a sport court on. We will continue to keep air moving in hopes to get down to an acceptable level over the next week. Not sure when the sewing machine will show up to complete the field turf install. We accepted a bid from Miller Painting to paint the middle school gym and are working with 3 other companies to install the gym floor. 3. Teacher Observation/Evaluation: Dave Gibbons asked for some time to review the teacher evaluation process and discuss 2016-17 dates for training. 4. Staff Lunch Charges: We do not allow staff members to charge lunches. We also do not allow our students with charges of 10.00 to participate in a reimbursable meal. If they are free lunch, they can eat the free meal, but no seconds or ale-carte. 5. Para-Educator Training: Training for ALL para-educators will be provided by Amy _________ on 6. Translating and interpreting for IEPS: 6. Field House Items: Jim Kasik, Darin Kovar, and Jesse Zavadil will meet for a few minutes to discuss topics in reference to the field house, scheduling, access, etc... All administrators are welcome, but not required, to stay and participate,