September 27, 2016 at 9:15 AM - Schuyler Administration Meeting @ SPED Office
Agenda |
I. Discussion Items
1. Book Review: "The Flip Side" 2. Teacher Evaluation: Discussion on teacher evaluation training and observations. 3. January Professional Development Workshop: Discussion on the January 2017 Professional Development Program/Speaker. 7. Buildings and Grounds: Make sure all maintenance requests are logged onto the system. We also need to discuss having the building principals responsible for setting their own thermostats to control their buildings. 8. EMC Safety Videos: Dave Gibbons will work with building principals to assign support staff training for 1st semester. The EMC safety video program is the same one we used for the 2016-17 school year. 9. 1st Quarter Outstanding Employee: First quarter nominees have been submitted. Once in the system, all recommendations remain in the program for the school and are eligible each quarter. The first quarter recipients will be recognized at our November Strategic Planning Staff Event. 10. Field House Information: |