March 31, 2017 at 3:00 PM - SEA Reps Meeting @ Superintendent's Office
Agenda |
I. Discussion Items
1. Budget and Finance: See enclosed finance report. 5. Field House Input: The field house has been open to the public for the past two months. Administrators are reviewing field house use, rules, and fees and will make recommendations for summer hours of operation and any changes to rules, fees, hours, etc... for the 2017-18 school year this summer. Any teachers interested in working in the field house need to let Erin Trotter know before May 1st. 6. High School Classroom Addition: The board of education will consider awarding the contract to construct an addition to the high school building. This addition will be 6 classrooms and a large music/conference room. Construction to begin by May 1st with a completion date of Thanksgiving, 2017. 7. April Workshops: Mr. Gibbons has scheduled two workshops for April 12-13th for teaches and extra-duty coaches, directors, and sponsors. Mr. Gibbons will be providing more details about the two day schedule. 8. Summer School/Food Service Programs: Please make sure you contact your principal or Dave Gibbons if you are interested in summer work. We will be offering summer contracts later in April for Board approval on May 10th.9. Fred Arnold Track Meet: High school and middle school staff, not attending the NETA Conference are scheduled to work the track meet. Principals may assign middle or high school staff to substitute teach at SES or Rural schools if needed. Support Staff from the middle and high school wishing to work the Fred Arnold Track Meet on April 20th should let their principal know. The track meet will begin at 10:00 AM. SES and the rural schools will be in regular session on Thursday. 10. 2017-18 Calendar: Board approved the 2017-18 school calendar. See calendar adopted.