November 2, 2017 at 2:00 PM - Food Service Meeting
Agenda |
I. Discussion Items
1. Finance/Budget Report: See attached budget and finance reports. 3. Food Service Management: The NDE Food Service Representatives were here on Tuesday, November 1st and visited with us about their commitment to advise our food service program during the 2017-18 school year. They also explained the RFP process for moving our program to an outside management company. I am willing to work with the current food service staff to make recommendations for 2018. These recommendations will have to be listed on the 2018 Strategic Plan as action plans to improve our food service program at all buildings. 4. Strategic Planning Meeting: Our upcoming strategic planning meeting will be on Wednesday, November 22nd. We will need to provide a "healthy" breakfast for the morning meeting. The meeting will start at 8:00 AM and will conclude by 12:00 noon. 5. Salary Schedule: Your salary is based on your position and place on the salary schedule. If you have any suggestions for improving the salary schedule for your area, please let Ron Mundil know by the end of the first semester. Ron will present these to a board committee for consideration for the 2018-19 school year. 6. Health Insurance: We will be offering on open enrollment period for changing insurance programs beginning in January 2017. This dual option allows employees to elect to participate in a high deductible ($3,500) and use the premium savings to enroll in a healthcare savings account. Please let Penny know if you are considering moving to the higher deductible by December 1st. |