December 5, 2017 at 9:30 AM - SAA Weekly Meeting
Agenda |
I. Discussion Items
Respect - Responsibility - Effort 1. Book Review: "Tribes" Pages 96-108. 2. Strategic Planning Update: Review recommendations for 2018 action plans. Please take the area you were responsible for and set up a time to formalize your recommendations. If there is an area that involves your staff/building, please make sure you contact the administrator responsible for making completing the action plans for submission for board approval. Action plan recommendations must be finalized prior to the end of the semester. 3. 2018-19 Calendar: I have a meeting set with SEA on December 15th to review their calendar recommendations for the 2018-19 school year. 4. First Semester Teacher Evaluations: All probationary teachers must have a formal observation (entire class) completed during the first semester. Please make sure you have these completed and submitted prior to Christmas break. Also, if you have any teachers who you are putting on an improvement plan, this needs to be completed ASAP. Make sure the improvement plan includes documentation, that if completed, provides you the documentation and confidence in extending their contract for the 2018-19 school year. 5. Early Retirement Eligibility: See enclosed list of teachers meeting the minimum age of 55. In order to be eligible for state retirement, they must also meet the Rule of 85. In order to be eligible for an early retirement district incentive, they must also have a Masters Degree or equivalent and 10 years of service. See List of teachers meeting the minimum age of 55. 6. Gallup Clifton Strengths: Please make sure all of your building staff completes the survey prior to Christmas break. 7. School Improvement Visitation: Mr. Gibbons and I visited with the external team chair about the upcoming visitation. 8. Board Meeting Reports: Please make sure you send or attach your board reports for the December Board Meeting by the end of the day on Wednesday! I may be out of the district on Friday, so cannot add any late administrator reports. 9. SAA Meeting Change: We need to change the SAA meeting from December 12th to Monday, December 11th. |