Respect - Responsibility - Effort
1. Book Review: "Strengths Based Leadership"
2. Board Meeting: Review March Board Meeting. All board reports due by noon on Wednesday (tomorrow).
3. Staff Resignations: If you have any openings, please get your job descriptions for posting to Shelley.
4. New Staff: Review current teacher openings.
5. Priority School Designation: See attached summary information.
6. 2018-19 Requisitions: Coop requisitions are due April 1st. PT conference is a good time for staff to work on these. Other district requisitions are due May 1st.
7. Smarter Lunchrooms Scorecard: I visited with Jaime about principal training for the smarter lunchroom scorecard. She told me she was confirming a date with the NDE rep.
8. Teacher Evaluation Instrument Training: Dr. Gibbons will provide an update on training.
9. Advanced Ed Review Update: Dr. Gibbons will provide an update on the Advanced Ed Review.
10. New Non-Discrimination Statement: We have a lunch review in the near future. All schools must have the non-discrimination statement updated. Mrs. Burton has the SMS statement done. Visit with her if you have any questions.