Respect - Responsibility - Effort
Book Review: "Strengths Based Leadership"
1. Support Staff Contracts: Please make sure you collect all support staff contracts from your building and submit them to the district office when you have all of your employees collected.
2. Extra-Duty Contracts: Please make sure you collect and submit all extra-duty contracts to the district office. Reminder, extra-duty contracts are for work outside of the regular teaching contract.
3. Summer School Contracts: Discussion on summer school supervision.
4. Staff Resignations: Discuss present openings/ resignations/early retirement requests across the district. Make sure you submit all staff resignations. Current resignations for Board approval in June: Russel Neuman, Guadalupe Marino
5. New Staff: Make sure you submit your new hire forms so that I can create contracts for board approval on May 14th.
6. 2018-19 Requisitions: Sally will be at the meeting to collect your teacher requisition updates.
7. 2017-18 Handbook Changes: Finalize handbook updates and changes for the 2018-19 school year. These must be ready for board approval in June. Any changes to your handbook to coincide with changes from this legislative session or new policy adoption will need to happen in June.
8. Priority Standards and Proficiency Scales: Dr. Gibbons will provide an update on progress or possible options for reviewing these scales for each building.
9. 2018-19 Opening Workshops: Dr. Gibbons asked to have this item put on the agenda. The tech staff is securing speakers/programs to be included in the school opening workshop schedule.
10. 2018 Strategic Plan: I have updated the 2018 Strategic Plan Document. You can go in and update your progress at this time, set deadlines, add action items, and contribute notes. See 2018 Strategic Plan on the portal.
11. Priority Schools: Dr. Kennedy and her team will be here on Tuesday, May 22nd to meet with the high school leadership team and administrators.
12. Board Committee Meetings: Discuss possible dates for board committees to meet to discuss handbooks, curriculum, and program addition/changes.
13. Summer Calendar: Make sure you complete and submit your summer calendars and extended contract calendars for this summer.
14. Purchase Orders/Vouchers: Please make sure you check purchase orders and vouchers over the summer to make sure you take care of requests on a timely manner.