August 27, 2013 at 9:00 AM - SAA Weekly Meeting
Agenda |
I. Discuss district organization, programs and meeting schedule.
Thank you to Mr. Grammer and his staff for updating the Personnel Directory. See Attached.
On August 20th, we started discussion on program meetings. I am using the committee meeting format to manage all our meetings and increase participation and communication across the district. Still learning how to use this system, and am sure I will get better as time passes. This format allows administrators to review the meeting agenda and contribute items you would like added to the meeting. The new items will be attached as requests, just as items for the regular school board meetings.
I will begin setting up meetings in September of the following departments:
Weekly Meetings:
1. SAA Meetings
2. Technology Committee
Monthly Meetings
1. Building and Grounds
2. Transportation
3. Special Services (SPED, Title, etc...)
5. Food Service
6. Curriculum & Instruction, School Improvement
Quarterly Meetings
1. Safety Committee
2. Crisis Team
3. Wellness Committee
II. Discuss SPED staffing and program changes (review of Friday’s meeting).
Thanks for attending the SPED meeting at SMS last Friday. I think we still have a couple of administrative items for clarification following that meeting. Larianne will serve our district as our SPED consultant to our building administrators and to assist in the development of a handbook to improve consistency of program implementation. She has also agreed to provide guidance for our principals and answer staff questions as they may arise from time to time. Attached is the draft of the SPED Handbook.
III. Review optional staff technology and personal electronics fee.
Attached are the two forms that will go out to staff on Tuesday. I met with SEA representatives several times to discuss this. They understand the $10 fee for personal use, but still struggle with having to be responsible for damage or losing equipment, cords, etc... Also attached is the form for teachers who have personal items in their classrooms. Our insurance does not cover personal items in the building, and the three items (refrigerator, microwave, coffee pot) really do not contribute to education programs but are allowed for personal convenience. We removed the cost for other misc. items that have been charged in the past. Don't really know where to draw the line (cell phone chargers, air wicks, etc...) This is the same rate as applied in the past and the payment for these items are on an honor system. Please assist your staff in responding in a professional manner. Thanks.
IV. Review 2013-14 Budget Information.
Attached are the revenue and expenditure reports we are using to manage the budget throughout the school year. I also attached a cash-flow report to help us understand the issue of cash-flow in this district.
Also attached are selected fund pages from the 2013-14 budget document. We will briefly review these forms at this time. In addition, I visited with Marlene about providing a more detailed budget summary by program so that you would be able to track your programs throughout the year. She will provide these reports after she reconciles with the bank statements each month.
V. Review district curriculum/school improvement initiatives.
Dave visited about professional development and school improvement. He agreed to forward documents to the meeting site along with the attached a Rule 10 Compliance checklist. It is hard to read this document because of the red colored form. I could not find a plain report on the NDE site for public Schools, but will continue to look and give you a better form to work from. This is just information at this time. Statements of Assurance are not due until November 1st.
In addition to our academic focus, we are also charged with safety, crisis intervention, and office of civil rights compliance. See attached workshops.
VI. Review progress on 1:1 rollout and technology initiatives.
We will be meeting on a weekly basis with our tech staff to review the Ipad program and our first semester technology goals. Administrators are welcome to attend any scheduled meetings. Keep an eye on the meeting portal for more information.
VII. Submit staff rating forms and discuss September observation schedules.
Principals submitted their staff identification forms used to develop their classroom observation schedule. We also visited about our professional development focus for September. See attached form.