1. Budget and Finance: See enclosed finance report.
2. Workman's Comp Requirements: Remember, you are required to complete 3 professional development videos. Please see Dr. Gibbons if you have any questions or need help accessing the programs.
3. Summer Employment: We will have many opportunities for support staff to be considered for summer employment in custodial, food service, and each of the summer sessions. See Dr. Gibbons if you want to be considered for summer employment.
4. 2019-20 Contracts: The board of education is reviewing the support staff salary schedule and support staff contracts for the 2019-20 school year. If you have any recommendations to improve the salary schedule, please visit with your supervisor or building principal. The board's finance committee will finalize any changes to this schedule and will take action on support staff contracts in May.
5. Requisitions/Inventory: COOP Requisitions are due on April 1st. Other requisitions are due May 1st, and inventory must be updated before June 1st.
6. Snow/Ice and Heavy Lifting: During this season please take precaution with snow/ice removal. Please pay close attention to wet floors, water on the floor, etc... to reduce the chance of someone falling in wet areas. Also, please remember to ask for help, break down larger items, take fewer things on carts, etc... in order for you to reduce the change of workplace injury.
7. Building/Summer Projects: We are working on the 2019 update to the transportation and building and grounds programs. Because of the bond, we will delay the board's will approval until April. See attachments: Buildings and Grounds, Vehicle Replacement, and Large Equipment Replacement
8. High school bond for new construction and renovation: The proposed high school bond ballots will be mailed out on February 26th and are due at the Court House by 5:00 PM on March 12th. Thank you in advance for your participation in this process.