1. Finance/Budget Report: Complete budget and finance reports are attached to the Monthly board meetings.
2. Safety Training: There are several required safety videos posted on the district website. These are required video programs and all employees must complete the programs. The required video training sessions:
All Staff
1) Youth Suicide Prevention
2) Title IX Regulations in K-12 Schools (Several videos and courses)
3) Dating Violence (Identification and Prevention)
4) Blood Borne Pathogens
5) Personal Protective Equipment
6) Health Emergencies (Life Threatening Algeries)
7) Seizure Safe Schools (Dr. Gibbons will notify you of the website)
Optional Video Training: If you supervise support staff, there are additional options for all staff to complete additional training. Please visit with your principal if you would like to assign or participate in additional training opportunities.
3. Title IX Coordinators: Dr. Dave Gibbons and Mrs. Darli Vrba continue to serve the district as Title IX Coordinators for the 2022-23 school year. If you or any other employees believe you have been discriminated against, you need to report it to one of these coordinators.
4. Staff Leave: We also have a student absence for illness by building reported each day. We do not publish this as the numbers reported are often less than 10.
5. Teacher Negotiations: The board of education will set the date for the 2023-24 Certificated Staff negotiations meetings. The proposed date for the first meeting is Monday, October 17th.
6. 7. CKH Training: CKH Training for new teachers is scheduled for October 18-19 at the Middle School Gym.
7. Fall Technology Fair: The Fall Technology Fair is scheduled for Monday, October 17th. CKH Workshops for support staff are October 18-19. Support staff CKH training is scheduled for Tuesday. Support staff are scheduled to work both days. Parent-Teacher Conferences are scheduled for Thursday, October 20th. Fall Break is October 21st.
8. Chain of Command: If you have an issue or need to report an item, please respect the chain of command protocol. This is in place to protect you from someone sharing a concern with your supervisor without your knowledge. It is also in place to ensure the people closest to the problem are given a chance to work it out.
9. 2022-23 Safety Report: The district contracts with Navigate 360 to provide our online safety programs and update recent changes to the District Office Building and our online safety program. Administrators, counselors, and 4 school board members are training in threat assessment protocols through Navigate 360 as well. Each building has a threat assessment team and the district team that meets monthly to address any reoccurring issues in the district. In addition, Nesbitt and Associates will be here again this year to conduct our onsite annual safety review and make any changes to our teacher and command manuals as well as our safety plan.
10. Strategic Plan Update: We will be finalizing our progress reports on the district strategic plan during the month of October. We are scheduled to revisit the plan as a staff/community during our Fall Workshops/Parent-Teacher Conference dates.
11. Salary Schedule: Penny is working with your building principals on questions or concerns with salary/benefits for the 2022-23 school year. If there are any changes or corrections, Penny will make those adjustments beginning with the October paychecks.
12. Health Insurance: We will be offering on open enrollment period for changing insurance programs beginning in January 2023. This dual option allows employees to elect to participate in a high deductible ($3,800) and use the premium savings to enroll in a healthcare savings account. Please let Penny know if you are considering moving to the higher deductible by December 1st.
13. Flu/COVID-19 Vaccination Clinic: We are once again offering a flu shot clinic at our District Office on Friday, October 7th from 3:30-5pm. This clinic is for any SCS employee, spouse, and children over the age of 6 months. It is free, but they MUST be covered by BCBS insurance through the school. See email from Tori Oehlrich.
Topics from SEA Reps.
1. HVAC Systems: SEA Reps shared their concerns with HVAC in the elementary building. All building issues are to be reported to the building principal and they will put it on the FM Portal. From there, Ron Mundil assigns the request and updates are provided on the site.
2. Staff Shortage and Pay: SEA Reps reported concerns about elementary building staff shortages, especially in the special education program. Building administrators are in charge of staffing in their buildings. In the case of special education, Mrs. Vrba is also involved in staffing and assigning. We also discussed that there needs to be applicants in the pool, of which there are none at this time. This is not just a Schuyler issue, it is much larger and in many other school districts. They also shared their concern that administrators assign current staff to substitute in high-need areas and training concerns. In response, we discussed our agreed-upon salary schedule and that our salary schedule is competitive, and rewarded those with a substitute license for their substitute re-assignment. We agreed to host workshops during the October PD in the specialty area of special education.
3. Safety Concerns: They shared concerns from the Schuyler PD Facebook postings about the high school. The Facebook postings do not reflect with accuracy the issues addressed at the high school this week. The report shows four incidents, while in fact, they went to the high school four times to follow-up on the same incident. We discussed the need for the administration to be able to respond to a medical emergency without having to manage additional students in the hallways or near the situation. This is not a safety concern for our student body, rather a management issue for administration. We do not report medical emergencies to the community.