December 12, 2022 at 9:00 AM - SAA Meeting
Agenda |
I. Discussion Items
Communication - Belief Effort Respect Responsibility One Good Thing! COVID/Illness Report: All Zero's again.
December 12, 2022: Preschool, K-1 Dual Language, Richland, Fishers, SES, SMS, SCHS, K-1 Dual Language, District OfficeStaff COVID+ - 0 Student COVID+ - 0 December 5, 2022: Preschool, K-1 Dual Language, Richland, Fishers, SMS, SCHS, K-1 Dual Language, District Office Staff COVID+ - 0 Student COVID+ - 0 SES, Staff COVID+ - 1 Student COVID+ - 0 1. Return-to-Learn Plan Review: Tori is working on updating our COVID protocols to be more inline with current practice. Our goal is to have updated protocols in place for the second semester. 2. 1st Semester Certificated Staff Evaluations: All probationary certificated staff need to have a completed, full-period, evaluation during the first semester. Your evaluations will be shared and collaborated this week to allow you to begin your reflection and putting in information from the first semester. Please make sure you add information from your TrAction Plan from the Leadership Blueprint. 3. January PD Topic Discussion: Flip Flippin will be our keynote speaker. Zoom pre-conference meeting is scheduled for December 16 at 10:30. 4. Second Semester Calendar: The board of education will take action to approve an amendment to the second semester calendar to include January 18th for PD. 5. Strategic Plan: The 2022 dashboard has been updated. We still have till the end of the month to complete items on the 2022 plan and our focus on the 2023 STRAT Plan. This year our January workshops will focus on the thoughts shared over our October thought exchanges. We will host 10 strands to focus our efforts. Please make sure if a topic has traction, that you make an effort for this discussion. 6. Board Safety Committee: Our second Board Committee Safety Meeting scheduled for Thursday, December 8th was postponed. We will discuss the possible reschedule at the board meeting or maybe wait until after the PD in January. 7. 2nd Quarter Outstanding Employees: Please make sure you get your building's outstanding employees recognized for 2nd Quarter. Building administrators will meet with the Foundation on January 9th at 1:00PM as these will be recognized on January 16th. 8. Lunchroom Score Card: Attached below is the first semester Lunchroom Score Card. This must be completed in each building for the 1st Semester. 9. January PD Workshop Schedule: Continued work on workshops needed in each area.