September 26, 2014 at 1:45 PM - Support Staff Monthly Meeting
Agenda |
I. Discussion
Meeting Attendees: Shelley Friesz, Marlene Hartman, Janelle Rocha, Barbara Stark, Lois Cockson, Donna Sobota, Pattie Rea, Tami Wilshusen, Alejandra Dimas, Marisela Lopez, Jen Bennett, Michelle Shonka, Tamara Kudera, Cathie Marking, Coralie Shonka, Valerie Comley, Lourdes Pena, Paloma Arciva, Deb Gonsior, Vicki Drueppel, Carol Reha, Dayana Martinez, Juan Melendrez, Angelica Enriquez, Renee Brabecs, Vicki Schwartzer, Jamie Ramirez, Vicki Mefford, Matt Wachel
1. Review of Meeting Calendar and District Website: We reviewed the district meeting site for schedule of upcoming meetings and minutes to previous meetings. 2. Budget/Finance Review: We reviewed an overview of district budget and fund balances. See attached information. 3. NeSA Student Performance: We reviewed the demographic information released by the Nebraska Department of Education along with the NeSA criterion referenced (State Standards) assessment information for the spring of 2014. Our students show steady progress with our highest performance at the elementary building. Big thank you to the teachers and support staff at each level for their commitment to our kids and their performance. 4. Time Reset/Leave Request Program: We reviewed the electronic time reset and leave request system. Employees may continue to file these reports on the paper form or may begin using the electronic form immediately. The forms must be submitted to your supervisor for approval and then automatically sent on to Alejandra Dimas and Marlene to complete the process. 5. EMC Insurance Safety Videos: Mr. Gibbons reviewed the EMC Insurance Safety Videos and demonstrated how staff can sign in to complete review the required videos. We have set a target of 3 videos during the first semester. Elementary staff asked the question about being given time on Friday afternoon and the need for administration to visit with teachers about time for support staff to complete the program. Employees may stay on the clock to complete the programs at school. *The elementary staff also expressed concern about the lack of access to technology in the buildings. Until we address this issue - If you watch the videos at home, you will be given credit. You must fill out a time sheet requesting the additional time. The time reflected should not exceed the time it takes to complete the video and questions.