March 2, 2015 at 3:00 PM - Americanism: Curriculum, Assessment, and Instruction
Agenda |
I. Americanism: Curriculum, Assessment, and Instruction
1. Review Meeting Portal.
2. Review Regular Board Meeting Structure and committee responsibilities. 3. Review Strategic Planning Committee Focus. 4. Review FMP Portal. (Curriculum Cycle, Standards) 5. Set next meeting date: April 13th @ 2:00 PM Academic Programs: (Core Academic, Elective, Fine-Arts, Vocational, Foreign Language, Physical Education) Target Area Strategies: 1. Develop a textbook cycle and system to coordinate textbook updates. 2. Adopt a new K-5 Language Arts and Writing Program: 3. Develop and implement a system to coordinate curriculum alignment. 4. Develop a professional development system/program (PLC’s) to promote teacher effectiveness, classroom management, and improved student learning. 5. Develop a plan to provide K-8 physical education that promotes skill development, fine and gross motor coordination, and social development. 6. Develop a schedule to provide a greater balance in core and elective programs at SES, Fisher’s and Richland buildings. 7. Develop a plan to provide after-school/summer-school for K-8 students. 8. Provide increased opportunities for advanced and/or high ability learners at all grade levels. 9. Develop a comprehensive 7-12 education plan that increases career awareness, skills, and proficiency in the areas of career and technical education. 10. Reduce class-size at the PK-8 level to increase academic achievement. 11. Provide Math and Reading interventionists (RtI) at SES. Action Plans
School Activities Program: (Visual &Performing Arts, Athletics, Clubs, Youth Activities Program) Target Area Strategies: 1. Increase opportunities for elementary and middle school students to participate in physical education and athletic programs. 2. Increase opportunities and prioritize scheduling to accommodate PK-12 students participation in visual and performing arts during the regular school day. 3. Develop a plan to expand youth athletic programs to promote interest, skill development, sportsmanship, teamwork, and knowledge of sport. 4. Develop a plan to increase student participation in athletics and promote program success at the middle and high school levels. 5. Increase student participation in visual & performing arts programs and promote membership in social/service clubs at the middle and high school levels. 6. Promote parent/student/community involvement and attendance at school activities. Action Plans 1. Hire a K-8 youth programs director to oversee development and coordination of school/community activities. 2.