1. Review Strategic Planning Committee Focus.
2. Review FMP Portal. (Tech-it)
3. Set next meeting date: May 4th @ 1:30 PM
Support Programs: (Food Service, Nursing, Para-Educator, and Safety/Security)
Target Area Strategies:
1. Review and update the district-wide security/crisis plan.
2. Increase number of para-educators to provide more one-on-one time for struggling learners.
3. Develop job descriptions and evaluation instruments to guide para-educators in their work.
4. Develop and implement a professional development program and schedule for para-educators.
5. Coordinate efforts to allow students/parents input on monthly menu options.
6. Provide Grab-n-Go breakfast at SES.
7. Chamber/Foundation Recognition Program includes other programs (custodial, food service):
8. Provide a full-time nurse at each building.
9. Provide new lunch tables and salad bar at Fisher’s elementary building.
Action Plans
- Crisis Response: Schedule the Crisis Response Program training for first responders an members of the district crisis team.
- March 10th11:00 First responders and crisis team training
- March 10th12:00 Lunch
- March 10th 1:00 – 3:00 Crisis team training
- Nursing Program: Review 2015-16 Nursing program and feasibility of providing full-time nurses at SES, SMS, and SCHS. After review and in consultation with the school nurses, we have decided our current system meets the needs of our students resulting in no change in the program.
- Support Staff Recognition: Expand Foundation Staff Recognition Program to include food service, custodial, and office personnel. The Schuyler Foundation has expanded their recognition program to include recognition of support staff in custodial, transportation, maintenance, food service, and office assistants.
- Pilot Food Service Program: Offer fruit/salad option to Rural Schools (March/April/May)
- Lunch Program: Offer scratch meal one day per week for the remainder of the 2014-15 school year.
- Fisher's Lunch Tables: We have extra lunch tables in other locations. We will make sure to work with Gerry Reinsch to get more tables on site if necessary.
- Nesbitt and Associates: We are in the process of negotiating a contract with Nesbitt and Associates for training and material for crisis/safety training. This would support our community program with Rapid Response and provide an assessment, materials, and training. Tom Nesbitt was the top ranking official on the State Patrol under Governor Heinneman, but has retired from that position. He has some great resources to help us move forward with our outdated materials. If you are interested, I can have him attend our next month's committee meeting.
- Handbooks: Handbook updates will be presented to the board for approval at the April board meeting. Due to the 90-day session, new board policies and handbook changes as a result of new or changing laws or policies will be presented as they come available. Handbooks require one reading, policy changes will have two readings (July, August).