September 15, 2015 at 9:00 AM - Schuyler Administration Meeting @ SMS Conference Room
Agenda |
I. Discussion Items
1. Book Discussion: Intro, Chapter 1 and Chapter 2 Intro: "Man's mind, once stretched by a new idea, never regains its original dimension" Core Soft Skill Cluster #1: Possessing a strong work ethic. Are you motivated and dedicated to obtaining good results? Do you always do your best work? Core Soft Skill Cluster #2: Possessing sociability. Are you a consensus and bridge-builder? Are you capable of navigating issues on any level - with colleagues, customers, and vendors? Are you likable? Core Soft Skill Cluster #3: Being responsible. Are you an accountable and responsible individual? Are you capable of self-examination as opposed to finger pointing? Chapter 1: "Be All That You Were Meant To Be! "Your vision will become clear only when you look into your heart. Who looks outside, dreams. Who looks inside, awakens - Carl Jung Core Soft Skill Cluster #4: Possessing self-esteem. Will you have the courage to embrace change, ask the 'unpopular' questions, and freely contribute your ideas? Core Soft Skill Cluster #5: Possessing a self-confidence. Do you believe in yourself? Do you project the confidence to inspire and the calm to settle? Core Soft Skill Cluster #6:Demonstrating time management abilities. Do you know how to effectively hypertask? Are you capable of prioritizing tasks? Will you use your time in this position wisely? Chapter 2: "Not in time, place, or circumstance, but in the person lies success - Charles Rounce Core Soft Skill Cluster #7: Identifying the truth. Are you capable of sifting through the fluff and discovering what really matters? Do you have good investigatory, fact-finding, and analytic skills? Core Soft Skill Cluster #8: Demonstrating problem-solving skills. How resourceful are you? How creative are you in finding solutions? 2. Monthly Program Meeting Schedule: September district meeting schedule is posted. Please check the meeting schedule if you are interested in attending. Our administrative meeting for next week will be changed to Monday at 9:00 AM, due to a conflict with the ESU Supt. meeting scheduled for Tuesday. 5. Inventory: All staff should be updating their inventory to include their newly purchased items. I will distribute administrative inventory for corrections due to job changes. You must go into the system and change your name to the newly assigned person. Inventory is due October 1st. 6. Capturing Kids Hearts Workshop: We have been offered a free workshop in Denver on November 3-5 for up to 8 people. They recommend a building principal and teacher for each program. 7. Safety Survey: Tom Nesbitt is requesting our staff complete safety surveys for our safety plan. See attached. 8. NASB 6-12 Student Survey: Rich Brabec requested our review of this survey on student engagement. See attached. 9. Rec Center: Ground breaking for the new rec center will be at noon on Wednesday. 10. Teacher Evaluation Program: Dave will demonstrate and answer questions you may have concerning "walk through" teacher observations. |