September 19, 2022 at 5:50 PM - Board of Education Levy Hearing
Minutes |
I. Open Hearing
Opened hearing at 5:50 pm MT.
II. Roll Call
III. Receive comments from the public for support, opposition, criticism, suggestions, or observations of the tax payers relating to the proposed 2022-2023 Final Tax Request
General Fund: $3,267,784.54 Special Building Fund: $580,089.00 Qualified Capital Purpose Undertaking Fund: $124,303.00
Mick Majors of Wauneta addressed the board sharing other surrounding districts 2022-2023 proposed levies. He shared Hitchcock County is .8809 GF, ___SBF and Bond .107 Total .989; Wauneta-Palisade .7865 GF, SBF .14, Bond __ for total 959?, Hayes Center .755 GF, __ SBF and Bond .03 for a total of .788; Chase County GF .589, SBF .03, Bond ___ for a total .619; Perkins County .571 GF, .027 SBF, ___Bond for a total .599, Dundy County .5575 GF, .03 SBF, ___Bond for a total .587.
IV. Consider Amendments to the proposed 2022-2023 Final Tax Request
V. Adjourn Hearing
Hearing adjourned at 5:57 pm MT.