Discussion: Facility Committee Report ~ Special Meeting Wed. June 20th
Following the board meeting on June 11th, members of the Facility committee had a brief conversation and decided to revisit the possibility of utilizing an electrical heating option for the Petersburg facility. Specifically, this was to include contacting local vendors and getting quotes for required equipment and wiring needed for this option. This option would then be discussed at the scheduled Facility Committee Meeting on June 13th.
On June 12th, Facility Committee Member, Ed Knott met with Jerry Thieman, the Petersburg Facility Custodian, Jeff Criss (HVAC, Spalding), and Jordan Anderson (Electrician, Petersburg). They toured the Petersburg campus and looked at the currently installed electrical units, breaker panels, and ductwork. Mr. Criss and Mr. Anderson prepared rough estimates for their work and provided them to Mr. Knott.
On June 13th, the Facility Committee and Superintendent Hardwick met in Albion to review the electrical heating option and to prepare RFP’s or bid specs on a boiler replacement. Mr. Thieman was invited to this meeting but was unable to attend due to a scheduling conflict.
The Facility Committee reviewed the electrical heating option quotes presented by Mr. Knott. The first floor of the old building currently has base-board electric heat. These rough quotes included all work and equipment needed to heat the second and third floors. The electrical and equipment quotes to do both floors totaled approximately $80,000. The possibility of only heating the second floor was discussed in great length as well. Middle School Principal, Mr. Schutt, was contacted and joined the committee meeting. Several questions were asked about reassigning classrooms, space utilization, and overall options in the building that would cause the least disruption to the staff and students. After more discussion it was decided to get a further breakdown of the electrical and equipment costs associated with the electrical heating options per floor. (Broken down quotes are attached).
A phone call was placed to Larry Cihal with Trane to ask questions about our current boiler, the possibility of re-firing it, and any safety issues or concerns associated with doing so. After a lengthy discussion with Larry it was determined that it is possible to re-fire the boiler and utilize it in its current condition for the duration of its life-cycle. If it begins to leak again or if it fails it will shut down properly and there is no significant safety risk to our staff or students.
After reviewing the electrical heating options and quotes, discussing the class configurations and possible student disruption with Mr. Schutt, speaking with Trane about the current boiler, and looking at the possible boiler options, the Facility Committee decided to forgo putting together the RFP’s for bids on a replacement boiler and associated equipment and to go with the electrical heating option. The reason for this was that the committee believed that we could spend between $40,000 to $100,000 on a replacement boiler and associated equipment with no guarantees that other components within the system wouldn’t fail at a later time.
Committee Recommendation As a result of our meeting on June 13th the Facility Committee’s recommendation is two parts:
It is the committee’s recommendation that we approve the electrical work and associated equipment to heat the second floor of the Petersburg building at a cost of approximately $10,100. If the boiler fails we will be able to continue class in the building with minimal disruption to our students. We will also have two options in the future of adding additional power and equipment to the third floor. The additional electrical work and equipment for the third floor would range from $17,250 for power and heat only to $72,000 for a combination of power, heat, and cooling equipment.
The Facility Committee recommends that a future use study of the Petersburg facility be undertaken. Such study will involve an analysis of financial, educational, and facility planning for the Petersburg campus. The Facility Committee does not feel that at this time we are prepared to provide any answers to what the immediate future looks like or what that time line may be. As information becomes available the board will begin reviewing and discussing financial and facility planning for the district.
5. Petersburg Facility Heating
Motion Passed:
Motion to approve quotes from Criss Co, Inc and JRK Electrical LLC for installation and materials needed to heat the second floor of the Petersburg facility for a total cost of $10,100. This motion, made by Tim Stopak and seconded by Justin Frey, Passed.
Meyer: Absent
Kohl: Yea
Stopak: Yea
Wright: Yea
Frey: Yea
Knott: Yea
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
Scope of work: Heat packs installed in airhandlers on second floor. Run power to five heat packs on second floor and add two cove heaters in second floor restrooms with line voltage thermostat to each cove heater.
6. Public Comment
Jerry Theiman addressed the board during public comment reiterating the information quoted for heat to the second floor of the facility.