December 13, 2021 at 7:30 PM - Regular Board of Education Meeting
Minutes | ||
1. Open the Meeting, Recognition of Open Meetings Law and Publication of Meeting
Notice of the meeting was given in advance by publication to the public and to all members of the Board of Education. Availability of the agenda was communicated in advance. The Open Meetings Act was available for review.
2. Roll Call
3. Agenda and Minutes
4. Welcome Guests
5. Bill Roster and Financial Reports
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
6. Reports
6.1. Boone Central Recognitions
(Stopak) The Petersburg transition has been a huge undertaking to say the least. One of the recent evolutions was preparation for the surplus sale. It required tons of hours identifying and inventorying items, moving thousands of pieces of miscellaneous equipment, desks, chairs, shelving, and anything else you can imagine associated with a sale of this magnitude. It required hundreds of hours of prep time, many of which were conducted during off time or using personal time. The actual sale itself also required many people working to ensure that things went smoothly. I would like to recognize the following individuals and group for all of their hard work, time, and effort put towards the Petersburg surplus sale: Petersburg Fire and Rescue, several Boone Central High School Classes, Custodian Rod Stuhr, School Employees Lauren Mrsny, Dawn Theis, and Janelle Erickson, Students James and Ella Fogleman, Luke and Katelyn Curry, Thane and Bristol Hardwick, and Dylan Choat, Principles Bill Curry and Craig Theis, Superintendent Nicole Hardwick, and Board members Justin Frey and Karrie Fogleman. Thank you to all of you for your monumental efforts to make the surplus sale a successful event.
(Fogleman) Thank you to everyone involved with the Petersburg Surplus Sale. (Frey, Rolf, Knott and Theis) Shout out to Mrs. Thome and all of the elementary for the absolutely amazing winter music concert. It is amazing how well the students perform and the level of engagement is incredible. Mr. Theis added that the entire show is very well organized from the beginning to the end. Mrs. Thome does a wonderful job of preparing the students to perform. In addition, thank you to all the elementary staff for their flexibility and willingness to assist with the music concert. (Hardwick) Thank you to all of the staff and the students who volunteered to assist with the High School Principal interviews. A lot of time and effort goes into those interviews and the decision is never easy. The teacher interview team included: Bridget Wiese, Cassie Olson, Joel Sup, Bob Coakes, Jeff Hrabik, Justin Harris, Stephanie Banzhaf, and Katie Wilson. The Support Staff interview team included: Theresa Knust, Lauren Mrsny, Kathy Beckman, Jeff Hayes, Blake Trombley and Brad Anderson. The Student interview team included Rachel Malander, Calvin Webster, Garret Rasmussen, Bella Meyer, Dayna Sharp, Dylan Baumgartner, Briana Johnson, and Clay Sandman. The Administrative interview team included Bill Curry, Craig Theis, Jon Perone, Mark Hudson, Lynne Webster and myself. (Roberts) Shout out to everyone involved with the adoption of girls wrestling at the Junior High and High School Levels. The coaches have done an incredible job. It is very impressive to watch the interactions and level of competitiveness between the coaches and the athletes. (Curry) This semester has been difficult with various transportation issues; from a shortage of staff, to weather, to scheduling. We would still be in a tough position if it weren't for Trevor and all of our transportation staff! Trevor's passion for safely transporting our students to and from school and to all of their activities is top notch. The entire transportation team has done an incredible job this past semester with scheduling, communicating and driving to ensure that our students have the transportation they need every day. (Loofe) Thank you to Mr. Sup and his digital media team, who are so dedicated to Striving all of the school's activities. People far and wide have been able to watch our events because of streaming. Many compliments have been received about how great the Striv option has been. |
6.2. Continuous School Improvement
Mr. Curry and Mr. Theis provided an update on NCAS and ACT assessment scores.
6.3. Board Reports
6.3.1. Superintendent Evaluation
Mr. Stopak noted that the annual superintendent has been completed and provided a synopsis of the evaluation.
6.4. Superintendent Report
6.5. Principal & AD Reports
7. Discussion of Action Agenda Items
8. Public Comment
9. Action Items
9.1. 2022-23 High School Principal Contract
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
10. Next Meeting Date
Monday, January 10, 2022 @ 7:30 p.m. - High School Art Room
11. Questions by the Media
12. Adjournment
Meeting adjourned at 8:11 p.m.