March 14, 2022 at 7:30 PM - Regular Board of Education Meeting
Minutes | ||
1. Open the Meeting, Recognition of Open Meetings Law and Publication of Meeting
Notice of the meeting was given in advance by publication to the public and to all members of the Board of Education. Availability of the agenda was communicated in advance. The Open Meetings Act was available for review.
2. Roll Call
3. Agenda and Minutes
4. Welcome Guests
5. Bill Roster and Financial Reports
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
6. Reports
6.1. Boone Central Recognitions
(Stopak) Recognition goes out to Angie Zouch. She does a great job with ensuring that students, parents, staff and administration are taken care with their daily requirements, which are many and very diverse. Mrs. Zoucha is also responsible for taking care of lining up all substitute staff for the district. This includes when staff call in sick which can be unexpected and leave little time for adjustment. Angie also takes care of the NDE student and staff reporting which is a very tedious, time-consuming and important task. Student and staff reporting is required by the state. Thank you to Mrs. Zoucha for the great work she does.
(Rolf) Shout out to Mr. Corey Thome for taking on the transition from being an elementary teacher to becoming a middle school teacher. (Knott) Shout out to Mr. Sup and the Speech team for their success at the district competition, and good luck at State. (Frey) Thank you to Mr. Perone for being available and willing to step up to the plate when a coach was out sick this winter; ensuring that our wrestling meet was able to proceed without any issues. In addition, thank you for providing feedback and assistance to the coop committee. (Roberts) Shout out to the girls wrestling coaches. It was very impressive to see our coaching staff adjust to incorporate girls wrestling into our program this year. (Fogleman) Recognition goes to Ms. Lisa Carder for being a great asset to our district. Lisa has been willing to step up to the plate multiple times in the past couple of years when a teacher was needed specifically after the loss of Mrs. Lisa Groth and now serving as the high school personal finance and economics teacher. (Hardwick) Shout out to our Educator's Health Alliance Committee members, Angie Flinn, Justin Harris, Kathy Beckman and Whitney Paulson - Thank you for ensuring we all have numerous opportunities to participate in programs to keep us healthy. (Theis) Recognition goes out to Mr. Andy Imus. Andy is always willing to help out where needed. He often assists with lunch duty and recess duty when we are short on staff. Mr. Imus is a true asset to our district and very much appreciated. (Curry) Shout out to Mrs. Dawna Nelson who is our Middle School Speech coach. It is incredible to see our students building confidence through this opportunity. She does a great job preparing them for the next level. (Loofe) Recognition goes out to Mr. Dan Zoucha. Throughout the year Dan organizes and promotes multiple blood drives. These are always very well planned and the turn-out is great. This spring he has incorporated the opportunity for students to throw pies at the principals as an incentive! (Perone) Shout out to Mr. Hrabik for stepping up to the plate this year to take on the role of running Scorevision. Jeff is always willing and available to help out whenever needed. |
6.2. Continuous School Improvement
Mrs. Heather Hudson provided an update on the Fundations supplemental curriculum purchased last spring. The primary teachers reported on data showing a number of improvements this past year.
6.3. Board Reports
The finance committee met this past month to review current non-certifed staff wages; a follow-up meeting is scheduled for later this month. The committee will be reporting back to the board at the April meeting. Superintendent Hardwick noted that the Petersburg gym floor was refinished and that the facility closing took place on February 24th. A number of lights were upgraded or added to the parking areas around the facility to help with safety at night. The playground equipment is scheduled to ship around mid-April and the install will begin when the equipment arrives.
6.4. Superintendent Report
Superintendent Hardwick noted that the 2012 ADA accessible Dodge Caravan sold for $26,500. The sale was handled by Schalk Auto.
6.5. Principal & AD Reports
The elementary had 97% of parents attend conferences in February. Middle School had an average of 76%, and the high school had an average of 54% of the parents in attendance. Mr. Theis noted that registration for both Preschool and Kindergarten will be sent out this week.
7. Discussion of Action Agenda Items
8. Public Comment
Kitchen staff was available for public comment, requesting that the board consider increasing their hourly wages based on the information that was emailed to them.
9. Action Items
9.1. 2022-23 Master Calendar
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
9.2. Private Sale of School Surplus Computers
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
10. Next Meeting Date
Monday, April 11th @ 7:30 p.m. - Boone Central Art Room
11. Questions by the Media
12. Adjournment
Adjourned 8:27 pm