June 13, 2016 at 5:00 PM - Board of Education Regular Meeting
Minutes | |
I. Call the Meeting to Order
The meeting was called to order at 5:00 p.m. in the Jr/Sr High School Library, Room 407.
I.a. Pledge of Allegiance
I.b. Announce Open Meeting Act Posting and Location - Wayne Community Schools, Wayne Public Library, and Wayne Post office.
I.c. Action on Absence and Roll Call
I.d. Approval of Agenda - The Board may enter Executive Session to discuss any matter for which Executive Session is lawful and appropriate.
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
I.e. Consent Agenda
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
I.e.I. Approval of Minutes of Previous Meetings
I.e.II. Approval of Financial Reports and Claims
I.f. Personnel
II. Communications from the Public (Policy 1209) and Requested Presentations -
II.a. Wayne Community Schools Foundation
Wayne Community Schools Foundation donated $7,500 to the high school for the purchase of new choir robes. The Wayne Community Schools Board of Education has also agreed to contribute $5,000 towards this purchase.
III. Action Items
III.a. Old Business
III.a.I. Second Reading of 2016-17 Jr/Sr High School Handbook
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
III.b. New Business
III.b.I. Acceptance of Foundation Gift
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
The Board thanked the Wayne Community Schools Foundation for their $7,500 gift to be used to help purchase new choir robes.
III.b.II. Life and AD&D, Long-Term Disability
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
The Board approved the quoted premiums from Mutual of Omaha for Life, AD&D, and Long-term Disability Insurance.
III.b.III. ESU Food Cooperative Purchasing
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
The Board approved the Annual Food Service Supply Agreement from the ESU Coordinating Council for the 2016-2017 school year.
III.b.IV. First Reading of 2016-17 Elementary Handbook
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
Mr. Plager discussed some of the changes for the K-6 Elementary Handbook and answered questions from the Board concerning items in the handbook.
IV. Administration and Board Committee Reports:
IV.a. Administration - Written reports were provided by Administration. Copies of their reports are available at the District Office upon request.
IV.a.I. Superintendent
IV.a.I.1. School Budget Update
Mr. Lenihan presented an expense projection of the 2016-2017 school budget and stated the budget will be finalized soon.
IV.a.I.2. School Survey - Breakfast, Lunch, and Substitute Teacher Rates
Mr. Lenihan did a survey of the local area schools to compare our breakfast, lunch, and substitute rates and found that Wayne Community Schools compares well with them. He suggested Wayne Community Schools keep all of the rates, breakfast, lunch, and substitute teacher, the same as the previous year.
IV.a.I.3. Blue Devil Character Education Program
This program will acknowledge positive character traits in the students. If a student goes above and beyond the normal expectations, they will be awarded a card that will be turned in to their principal or the superintendent for a Blue Devil Buck. This "buck" can be redeemed at the concession stand for an item of the student's choice. Younger students may have an alternative option to choose from. Each month will have a different character trait that will be identified.
IV.a.I.4. Creating A Collaborative Culture to Improve Teaching and Learning - Phil Warrick-Marzano Administrative Leadership Series at ESU 1
The administrative staff attended a two day Marzano training workshop at ESU 1 in Wakefield. Administrators worked on the staff appraisal process. Training will continue throughout the school year.
IV.a.II. High School Principal
Mr. Hanson told the Board that the choir trip to Chicago went very well. He thanked the teachers and sponsors for the great opportunity for the students.
IV.a.III. Special Education Director
Mr. Hight reported on the CPI refresher courses for all of the staff. He noted that he has seen a drop in the In School and Out of School Suspensions since beginning the Crisis Prevention Intervention. Mrs. Beair told the Board that there will be no state writing tests the 2016-2017 school year. The Early Learning Center qualifies for the USDA Community Eligibility Provision which means the breakfast and lunches are free for the preschool students for the next four years.
IV.a.IV. Elementary Principal
Mr. Plager stated that the end of year went well. He thanked the WEB for giving each student a free book at the end of the school year.
IV.a.V. Junior High Principal/A.D.
Mr. Lenihan gave the Jr. High School report due to the absence of Mr. Ruhl. Strength conditioning is going well. State Track went well and our athletes did well. The curtain in the Elementary School gym has been installed. The basketball hoop risers have been installed and we are waiting for the electrical to be completed.
IV.b. Board Committees
IV.b.I. Foundation and Community Relations - Ken Jorgensen, Rod Garwood, Carolyn Linster, Mark Lenihan, Rocky Ruhl, Lindsay McLaughlin
An All-class Reunion is set for Chicken Days weekend. There will be a Cluck-Cluck Golf tournament. Mr. Weber is putting together an All-Alum Band for the Chicken Days parade. School tours, including Hahn School, will be conducted over the weekend. There will be a band playing Saturday evening. One Week of Giving will be in August. This will not take the place of Booster Club card sales or Music Booster sales. More details on this will be coming.
IV.b.II. Curriculum and Americanism - Wendy Consoli, Caroly Linster, Jeryl Nelson, Misty Beair
Wayne Community Schools received a letter from the State Board of Education stating that our school system is accredited for the 2016-2017 school year.
IV.b.III. Facility/Safety - Travis Meyer, Scott Hammer, Ken Jorgensen, Rod Garwood, Mark Hanson
Mr. Meyer said that summer work is going well. The old lockers are all removed and all of them have been taken. The new lockers have not arrived yet. There will some concrete work done in replacing broken pieces of sidewalks. He thanked all of his crew for the work they are doing this summer.
IV.b.IV. Policy/Title IX - Wendy Consoli, Scott Hammer, Jeryl Nelson, Russ Plager
Mr. Lenihan told the Board that the Perry Law Firm sent back the template of our school policies. He told the Board that the committee will be going over the policies this summer to align our policies with the numbering system of the state.
IV.b.V. Finance (Inc. Transportation & Budget) - Mark Lenihan, Scott Hammer, Rod Garwood, Ken Jorgensen, Rochelle Nelson
Mr. Lenihan presented the Vehicle Mileage Report to the Board.
IV.b.VI. Negotiations - Jeryl Nelson, Carolyn Linster, Wendy Consoli, Mark Lenihan
Dr. Nelson stated that the committee ordered a Comparability Study for the next step in negotiations.
V. Boardsmanship
Dr. Linster discussed things from the State Law Conference she attended on June 10, 2016.
V.a. Summer Retreat - Early Learning Center, July 18, 5:00 p.m.
V.b. WAED Partners Meeting - June 28th 5:30 - 7:30 PM
VI. Future Agenda Items
Second Reading of K-6 Handbook, First Reading of Teacher Handbook, Third Budget Work Session, ILCD Annual Policy Review, Acknowledgement of Superintendent as CEO of District (Policy 2101), Student Fees (Policy 5400), Parental Involvement (Policy 5002), Anti-bullying (Policy 5319)
VII. Executive Session (If Needed)
VIII. Action Taken from Executive Session (If Needed)
IX. Adjournment
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
The meeting adjourned at 6:20 p.m. The next Board of Education meeting will be Monday, July 11, 2016, in the Jr/Sr High School Library, Room 407.