December 12, 2016 at 5:00 PM - Board of Education Regular Meeting
Minutes | |
I. Call the Meeting to Order
The meeting was called to order at 5:02 p.m.
I.a. Pledge of Allegiance
I.b. Announce Open Meeting Act Posting and Location - Wayne Community Schools, Wayne Public Library, and Wayne Post office, and on-line:
I.c. Action on Absence and Roll Call
I.d. Approval of Agenda - The Board may enter Executive Session to discuss any matter for which Executive Session is lawful and appropriate.
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
I.e. Consent Agenda
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
I.e.I. Approval of Minutes of Previous Meetings
I.e.II. Approval of Financial Reports and Claims
I.f. Personnel
The kitchen is now fully staffed. Three new employees have been hired, with two working ten hours a week and one working 30 hours a week.
I.f.I. Early Retirement Approval
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
The Board approved the resignation of Mr. Rocky Ruhl, with regrets. Mr. Ruhl will be with Wayne Community Schools until June 2017. The Board and Mr. Lenihan thanked Mr. Ruhl for his years of service to Wayne Community Schools.
I.f.II. Early Retirement Approval
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
The Board approved the resignation of Mrs. Sylvia Ruhl, with regrets. Mrs. Ruhl will be with Wayne Community Schools until the end of the 2016-2017 school year. Mr. Lenihan and the Board thanked Mrs. Ruhl for her years of service at Wayne Community Schools.
I.f.III. Early Retirement Approval
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
The Board approved the resignation of Mrs. Annette Rasmussen, with regrets. Mrs. Rasmussen will be with Wayne Community Schools until the end of the 2016-2017 school year. The Board and Mr. Lenihan thanked Mrs. Rasmussen for her years of service to Wayne Community Schools.
I.f.IV. Teaching Position
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
The Board approved the hiring of Toni Rasmussen for Ag/FFA Instructor for the 2017-2018 school year.
II. Communications from the Public (Policy 1209) and Requested Presentations
II.a. NASB Video on Nebraska Public Schools
Mr. Lenihan showed the Board the NASB video on Nebraska Public Schools that was shown at the NASB/NASA State Conference in November.
II.b. Locker Room and CTE Project - Jon Carlson
Mr. Jon Carlson, from Carlson West Povondra Architect, presented plans for the upcoming Locker Room renovation. Renovations are set to begin before the end of the 2016-2017 school year.
II.c. WCS Foundation Review
Mr. Lenihan provided an update to the original AIM document from 2012. Dr. Lindsay McLaughlin discussed the different campaigns for money coming in. She also presented information on what the Foundation money has helped purchase.
III. Action Items
III.a. Old Business
III.b. New Business
III.b.I. Superintendent Contract
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
The Board approved the Superintendent Contract, pursuant to the Superintendent Transparency Pay Act. Salary for 2017-2018 will be $140,867 as posted on the on-line e-meeting agenda and the WCS District website:
III.b.II. Approval for Locker Room and CTE Project Bidding
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
The Board approved to give the Superintendent and Carlson/West/Povondra Architects authority to prepare and execute all necessary documents and conduct the bid process for the Locker Room and Career Tech Ed classroom project.
III.b.III. Providence Medical Center Athletic Trainer Contract
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
The Board approved the Athletic Trainer Contract with Providence Medical Center for the 2017-2018 school year.
III.b.IV. Administrative Position Recommendation
It was approved to give Mr. Mark Lenihan the authority to post and recruit for the position of Junior High Principal or Assistant Principal, dependent upon candidate pool and qualifications, and Athletic Director.
IV. Administration and Board Committee Reports:
IV.a. Administration - Written reports were provided by Administration. Copies of their reports are available at the District Office upon request.
IV.a.I. Superintendent
IV.a.I.1. NASB/NASA State Conference Update
Mr. Lenihan, Dr. Linster, and Mr. Hammer attended the NASB/NASA State Conference in November.
IV.a.I.2. State of the Schools Report
The report can be found on the Department of Education website. It is now labeled Nebraska Education Profile.
IV.a.I.3. Gallup Survey Results
Mr. Lenihan went over the results of the Gallup Survey. Grades 5-12 took the survey. It was done nation and state wide. This is the first year Wayne Community Schools participated in the survey.
IV.a.I.4. Legislative Update
Wayne Community Schools is working with ESU 1 and ESU 8 on a Legislative brochure.
IV.a.I.5. 2017/2018 School Calendar - First Draft
Mr. Lenihan presented the Board with the first draft of the 2017-2018 calendar.
IV.a.II. High School Principal
Mr. Hanson stated that if any student has missed over ten days, they will have to appeal for credit, which will be this week. He has conducted several mock interviews for Wayne State College students this past month. Revision meeting have bee held. We are analyzing our career education curriculum.
IV.a.III. Special Education Director
Mrs. Beair thanked the Board for allowing Wayne Community Schools the opportunity to have a Unified Bowling team. They placed third in Districts. She stated that many friendships have been made through this opportunity. The Early Learning Center will be featured in the January edition of Senior Lifestyle Living., discussing the importance of grandparent involvement with preschool aged children. Mr. Hight and Mr. Ruhl attended a meeting with Karen Haase on Student disciplin and SPED law.
IV.a.IV. Elementary Principal
Mr. Plager stated that students in grades 1-4 will be caroling at different places in Wayne. The Father/Daughter dance was a big success. ESL Parent Advisory Meeting will hold its first meeting on December 15. This will be done to gain feedback from our families on how to improve our services that we provide.
IV.a.V. Junior High Principal/A.D.
Due to Mr. Ruhl's absence, Mr. Lenihan presented his report. Mr. Ruhl will be asking the Jr. High students how their first semester has gone. Mrs. Cliff did not receive the grant from Education Quest to help fund the eighth grade career/college exploration day at NECC. Twenty-three student athletes and seven coaches attended the Sportsmanship/Leadership workshop at Midland University in Fremont. The Holiday Tournament will be played at Rice Auditorium at Wayne State College with six games being played at Wayne High School on December 30.
IV.b. Board Committees
IV.b.I. Foundation and Community Relations - Ken Jorgensen, Rod Garwood, Carolyn Linster, Mark Lenihan, Rocky Ruhl, Lindsay McLaughlin
The Foundation received a gift of $150 from the Don Schulz family, in honor of Sandra Schulz, to be used for Wayne Blue Devils lettering and logo on one of the vans.
IV.b.II. Curriculum and Americanism - Wendy Consoli, Carolyn Linster, Jeryl Nelson, Misty Beair
No report.
IV.b.III. Facility/Safety - Travis Meyer, Scott Hammer, Ken Jorgensen, Rod Garwood, Mark Hanson
Mr. Travis Meyer discussed the Rule 10 Annual Review with Mr. Ken Navratil. He would like to move forward with having shatter proof film put on the windows of the office. It was discussed in having it applied to the front windows as well. The Board thanked him and all of his staff for the work they do for the facilities and staff.
IV.b.III.1. Rule 10 Report
IV.b.IV. Policy/Title IX - Wendy Consoli, Scott Hammer, Jeryl Nelson, Russ Plager
No report.
IV.b.V. Finance (Inc. Transportation & Budget) - Mark Lenihan, Scott Hammer, Rod Garwood, Ken Jorgensen, Rochelle Nelson
No report.
IV.b.VI. Negotiations - Jeryl Nelson, Carolyn Linster, Wendy Consoli, Mark Lenihan
The next negotiations meeting will be Wednesday, December 14.
V. Boardsmanship
V.a. Board Member Recognition
Mr. Rod Garwood and Mr. Ken Jorgensen were honored for their eight years of service to the Wayne Board of Education. Mr. Lynn Junck and Mrs.Jaime Manz will be sworn in at the January Board of Education meeting as the new Board members.
VI. Future Agenda Items
Board Officer Election; Swearing in of New Board Members; Board Committee Assignment; Newspaper, Bank, and Legal Counsel for Annual Appointment; Review and Adopt Board Code of Conduct; Meet with Budget Manager; Curriculum changes prior to Implementation; Legislative Update; Mid-year Goals Review; Personnel; Ratification of Teacher Contract
VII. Executive Session (If Needed)
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
The Board entered Executive Session at 7:08 p.m. for the purpose of Collective Bargaining update. The Board came out of Executive Session a 7:31 p.m.
VII.a. Collective Bargaining
VIII. Action Taken from Executive Session (If Needed)
IX. Adjournment
The meeting was adjourned at 7:32 p.m. The next regular Board of Education meeting will be Monday, January 9, 2017, at 5:00 p.m. in the Wayne Jr/Sr High School Library, Room 407.