July 10, 2017 at 5:00 PM - Board of Education Regular Meeting
Minutes | |
I. Call the Meeting to Order
I.a. Pledge of Allegiance
I.b. Announce Open Meeting Act Posting and Location - Wayne Community Schools, Wayne Public Library, Wayne Post Office, and online: www.wayneschools.org
I.c. Action on Absence and Roll Call
I.d. Approval of Agenda - The Board may enter Executive Session to discuss any matter for which Executive Session is lawful and appropriate.
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
I.e. Consent Agenda
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I.e.I. Approval of Minutes of Previous Meetings
I.e.II. Approval of Financial Reports and Claims
I.f. Personnel
II. Communications from the Public (Policy 1209) and Requested Presentations
III. Annual Hearing and Review of Policies
III.a. Policy 2101 - Acknowledgement of Superintendent as CEO of District
This action was moved to New Business.
III.b. Policy 6400 - Parental Involvement
III.c. Policy 5415 - Anti-Bullying
III.d. Policy 5416 - Student Fees
III.e. Policy 5418 - Homeless
The review of Policy 5418 - Homeless has been tabled until the August Board Meeting to review the updated policy.
IV. Action Items
IV.a. Old Business
IV.a.I. Second Reading 2017-2018 K-6 Handbook
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Changes were made from the suggestions from the last Board Meeting. The Board approved the second reading.
IV.b. New Business
IV.b.I. Policy 2101 - Acknowledgement of Superintendent as CEO of District
This was moved from the Annual Hearing and Review portion of the agenda. This policy is an annual review and states that the Superintendent is CEO of the District.
IV.b.II. First Readings of Policies 7000-9000
IV.b.II.1. Policy 7000 Series
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Policy Series 7000 covers building, remodeling, and contracts for new or remodeling schools. The Board approved the first reading of this series.
IV.b.II.2. Policy 8000 Series
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Policy Series 8000 covers Board policies. The Board approved the first reading of this series.
IV.b.II.3. Policy 9000 Series
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Policy Series 9000 covers Board Members, bylaws, policies, and regulations, and meetings. The Board approved the first reading of this series.
IV.b.III. First Reading on Updated Board Policies Based on New Legislation
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The Board approved the first readings of changes and additions to the following policies: 3131, 5001, 5004, 5202, 5413, 5418, and 6800.
IV.b.IV. Administrative Regulation 5501
Administrative Regulation 5501 outlines the Bus Route Pick Up Points and other bus information.
IV.b.V. Accept Purchase of Band Truck
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Mr. Lenihan discussed the purchase from Arnie's Ford of a 2006 Ford Box Truck. This was paid for out of Depreciation.
IV.b.VI. 2017-2018 Milk Bids
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The Board approved the bid from Hiland Dairy for dairy products purchased for the 2017-2018 school year.
IV.b.VII. 2017-2018 Annual Food Service Supply Agreement
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The Board approved the Annual Food Service Supply agreement from the Nebraska ESU Coordinating Council for the 2017-2018 school year.
IV.b.VIII. First Reading of 2017-2018 Teacher Handbook
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After discussion on teacher on-duty hours, the Board approved the first reading of the 2017-2018 Teacher Handbook. The Board approved the teacher on-duty hours to be 7:45 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
IV.b.IX. First Reading of Non-Certificated Staff Handbook
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The Board approved the first reading of the 2017-2018 Non-Certificated Staff handbook.
IV.b.X. 2017-2018 NRCSA Membership
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The Board approved the NRCSA membership dues of $850 for 2017-2018.
V. Administration and Board Committee Reports:
V.a. Administration - Written reports were provided by Administration. Copies of their reports are available at the District Office upon request.
V.a.I. Superintendent
V.a.I.1. 2017-2018 Accreditation of School
V.a.I.2. EMC Insurance Dividend
V.a.I.3. Project update
Mr. Lenihan and Mr. Travis Meyer gave a project update. They have been very pleased with the TIJ Construction. Things are going smoothly with no real delays.
V.a.II. High School Principal
V.a.III. Special Education Director
V.a.III.1. Improving Learning for Children with Disabilities (ILCD) Policy Review
V.a.IV. Elementary Principal
V.a.V. Junior High Principal/A.D.
V.b. Board Committees
V.b.I. Foundation and Community Relations - Lindsay McLaughlin, Jaime Manz, Carolyn Linster, Mark Lenihan, Dennis Dolliver, Scott Hammer
V.b.II. Curriculum and Americanism - Wendy Consoli, Jaime Manz, Jeryl Nelson, Misty Beair
V.b.III. Facility/Safety - Travis Meyer, Scott Hammer, Lynn Junck, Jeryl Nelson, Mark Hanson
V.b.IV. Policy/Title IX - Carolyn Linster, Jaime Manz, Wendy Consoli, Russ Plager, Tucker Hight
V.b.V. Finance (Inc. Transportation & Budget) - Mark Lenihan, Scott Hammer, Carolyn Linster, Lynn Junck, Rochelle Nelson
V.b.VI. Negotiations - Wendy Consoli, Lynn Junck, Jeryl Nelson, Mark Lenihan
VI. Boardsmanship
VI.a. Board Retreat - July 13, 2017, Early Learning Center
VI.b. Open Meetings Law Workshop - July 20, 2017, Norfolk, NE
VII. Future Agenda Items - Next Regular Meeting - Monday, August 14, 2017 at 7:00 PM in the Jr/Sr High Library
Second Reading of Policies 7000 - 9000, Second Reading of Updated Board Policies, Second Reading of the Teacher Handbook, Second Reading of the Non-certificated Staff Handbook, Annual Safety Committee Meeting, Budget Report Update, Approval of Transfer of Funds (if needed), Curriculum and Americanism Report, Hearing for Policy 5418 - Homeless, Board and Staff Breakfast - August 14, 2017
VIII. Executive Session (If Needed)
IX. Action Taken from Executive Session (If Needed)
X. Adjournment
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.