September 9, 2013 at 5:00 PM - Board of Education Regular Meeting
Minutes | |
I. Budget Hearing and Budget- 5:00 pm
I.a. Call to Order
I.b. Pledge of Allegiance
I.c. Announce Open Meeting Act Act Posting and Location
I.d. Roll Call & Action on Absences
I.e. Adoption of Agenda
I.f. Public Hearing on Proposed Budget
This was posted in the Wayne Herald.
Money built into building fund to air condition more rooms in both schools. Gyms and the Lecture hall.
I.g. Adjournment
5:09 adjourn
II. Special Hearing to Set Final Tax Request- 5:10 pm
II.a. Call to Order
II.b. Roll Call & Action on Absences
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II.c. Adoption of the Agenda
II.d. Public Hearing to Set Final 2013-14 Tax Request
II.e. Adjournment
adjourn at 5:20 pm
III. Regular Meeting- 5:30 pm
III.a. Call Meeting to Order
III.a.I. Action on Absence and Roll Call
III.a.II. Approval of the Agenda
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III.a.III. Consent Agenda
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III.a.III.1. Approval of Minutes from Previous Meetings
III.a.III.2. Financial Reports and Claims
III.a.III.2.1. Final Payment to Holtze Construction Company
III.a.III.2.2. Other Financial Claims
III.a.IV. Personnel
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Mrs. Beair says they have around 20 students that need SPED. A few students need to 1 assistance. We have to fill the need of the IEP
The posititon will remain as long as the need for 1 to 1 need.
IV. Communications from the Public on Agenda Items
V. Reports and Information
V.a. Gifts
V.b. Faculty, Staff and Students
V.b.I. Holtze Construction Project Close-Out - Ed Cable and Jon Carlson
Ed Cable said thank you they have come to an agreement and will be closing.
Jon Carlson-
Mr. Lenihan thanked Mr. Cable and Mr. Carlson. for everything with the additions. This turned out Great!
Mr. Evetovich also thanked Travis for the work he did with the additions.
V.c. Administration
V.c.I. Superintendent
V.c.I.1. Track Renovation Project Update
Mr. Lenihan- Showed drawing of the track renovations.
Mr. Kern was here for a visit. He is very passionate to have the best track in the area. He liked the wish list. Whats to be kept updated.
Mr. Carlson said he would be working on cost projections.
V.c.I.2. HVAC Project Update
He would like to go with Carlson Provondra for this HVAc project.
Air conditions gyms hallways and lecture hall.
We have budget for the this air conditioning.
V.c.I.3. Weight room expansion project
The floor showed up today. School agreed to pay for the materials.
We will cover the cost of the electrician.
V.c.I.4. Principal Evaluation Process
It is the same tool that he has been using.
Have started goal setting Admin and Dir.
V.c.I.5. Mission/Vision statement - Updated Draft
V.c.I.6. Enrollment Report 2013-14
V.c.II. High School Principal
V.c.II.1. Level III lockdown drill follow-up
V.c.II.2. ACT initial results
3/4 students take the act.
they are high compared to the state.
V.c.III. Special Education Director
V.c.IV. Elementary Principal
V.c.IV.1. Summer School Report
V.c.V. Junior High Principal/A.D.
V.d. Board Committees
V.d.I. Foundation and Community Relations- Ken Jorgensen, Rocky Ruhl,Rod Garwood, Carolyn Linster, Mark Lenihan and Lindsay McLaughlin
main focus is the tract renovation.
V.d.II. Curriculum and Americanism- Wendy Consoli, Carolyn Linster, Jeryl Nelson and Misty Beair
V.d.III. Facility/Safety- Travis Meyer, Mark Evetovich, Ken Jorgensen and Mark Hanson
We have a parking lot!! Old Building is total gone.
Mr. Meyer stated he would like to upgrade drinking fountains at the Elementary School.
Would like to replace the lawn mower as the old one is on its way out.
V.d.III.1. Master Facility Planning Discussion
What do we want to proceed too?? We know new lockers, air conditioning, Locker rooms.
Mr. Garwood would like to have a study done and see what we need, study. Dr. Nelson agreed. Make a master plan to where we want to be. District wide.
Mr. Lenihan would like to have Carlson West Provondra.
V.d.IV. Policy/Title IX- Mark Evetovich, Wendy Consoli, Jeryl Nelson and Jill Pickinpaugh
no report- need to meet
V.d.V. Finance(Inc. Transportation & Budget)- Mark Lenihan, Wendy Consoli, Rod Garwood, Ken Jorgensen, and Rochelle Nelson
V.d.VI. Negotiations- Jeryl Nelson, Carolyn Linster, Mark Evetovich, and Mark Lenihan
Will meet in executive session
VI. Action Items
VI.a. Old Business
VI.b. New Business
VI.b.I. Vote to Approve the 2013-14 Budget
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VI.b.II. Vote to Approve the 2013-14 Tax Request
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this supports the school.
VI.b.III. Track Renovation Project - Architect Contract
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Will be doing anything with the Restrooms. Mr. Carlson thought they were in good condition. Local contractors can do what need to be done.
VI.b.IV. HVAC Project - Architect Contract
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hourly billing. would have Me. Pieper look over contracts.
VI.b.V. 1st Reading - Revision - Policy 1201 - Board Operating Procedures-Notification of Meetings
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Mr. Lenihan explained the changes. NASB recomends that we do not relie on the local paper to have a meeting. Time frame.
VI.b.VI. 1st Reading - Revision - Policy 1209 - Board Operating Procedures - Public Participation at Board Meetings
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VI.b.VII. 1st Reading - Revision - Policy 4100 - Personnel-Classified-Employment
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VII. Boardsmanship
VII.a. 2013 NASB Area Membership Meeting
VII.b. 2013 State Education Conference November 20-22, 2013 @ LaVista Conference Center
VIII. Future Agenda Items
IX. Executive Session
X. Action taken from Executive Session
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Those tobe present The Board, Mr. Lenihan, Mr. Peiper and Mr. Hanson.
XI. Adjournment