November 9, 2020 at 5:00 PM - Board of Education Regular Meeting
Minutes | |
I. Call the Meeting to Order
The meeting was called to order at 5:00 p.m.
I.a. Pledge of Allegiance
I.b. Announce Open Meeting Act Posting and Location - Posted at Wayne Community Schools, Published in the Wayne Herald, and online:
I.c. Action on Absence and Roll Call
I.d. Approval of Agenda - The Board may enter Executive Session to discuss any matter for which Executive Session is lawful and appropriate.
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
I.e. Consent Agenda
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
I.e.I. Approval of Minutes of Previous Meetings
I.e.II. Approval of Financial Reports and Claims
I.f. Personnel
No report.
II. Communications from the Public (Policy 8346) and Requested Presentations
II.a. Lori Olson - Dana Cole - 2019-20 Audit Information
Lori Olson, Dana F. Cole and Company auditor, highlighted some points from the 2019-20 audit, through zoom. She stated that the Board will get hard copies of the audit soon. This is the second year Dana F. Cole and Company has done Wayne Community Schools audit.
II.b. Property and Casualty Insurance - Cap Peterson
Mr. Cap Peterson, from Northeast Nebraska Insurance Company, discussed the property and casualty insurance quotes for 2020-2021. He presented a three-year comparison on premiums paid.
III. Action Items
III.a. Old Business
III.b. New Business
III.b.I. Superintendent Appraisal - Discuss, Consider, and Take Necessary Action on Superintendent Appraisal
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
Mrs. Wendy Consoli discussed the Superintendent's appraisal. Dr. Lenihan thanked the Board for their time in filling out the appraisals.
III.b.II. COVID-19 Update - Discuss, Consider, and Take Necessary Action on Potential School Schedule Changes due to COVID-19
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
The Board approved the 2:00 dismissal time on Fridays for the rest of semester one. The Board also approved changing December 2, 2020, from a 10:00 Late Start to a full-day of school. Early Learning Center will not have school that day.
III.b.III. Property and Casualty Quote - Discuss, Consider, and Take Necessary Action on Property and Casualty Quote
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
The Board approved the quote from Northeast Nebraska Insurance for property and casualty insurance.
III.b.IV. High School Restroom Renovation Project - Discuss, Consider, and Take Necessary Action to Provide the Superintendent Authorization to Begin the High School Restroom Renovation
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
The Board approved the motion to provide authorization to Dr. Lenihan to begin the Construction Management process for the High School renovation project.
III.b.V. Wayne Community Schools 2019-20 Audit
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
The Board received the 2019-20 audit from Dana F. Cole and Company.
III.b.VI. First Reading on New Policies from Legislation - Discuss, Consider, and Take Necessary Action on the First Reading of Policies 4025, 4031, 4270, 5008
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
The Board approved the First Reading of policies 4025, 4031, 4270, and 5008.
IV. Administration and Board Committee Reports:
IV.a. Administration - Written reports were provided by Administration. Copies of their reports are available at the District Office upon request.
IV.a.I. Superintendent
IV.a.II. High School Principal
Mr. Hight thanked Mrs. Anderson for the non-traditional vocal concert. Case managers have been assigned to quarantined students for communication and homework delivery.
IV.a.III. Special Education/Early Learning Center Director
Mrs. Beair stated that she attended Sped Law Conference via zoom. Mrs. Steen reported that she and Mr. Daum did a CPI refresher course for employees.
IV.a.IV. Elementary Principal
Mr. Plager commented that the Elementary participated in dress-up days for Red Ribbon Week. The staff and students really enjoyed it.
IV.a.V. Junior High Principal/Activities Director
Mr. Wragge stated that winter sporting events may look different due to COVID 19. He will keep everyone updated as things change. Case managers for quarantined students have been doing a great job staying in contact.
IV.b. Board Committees
IV.b.I. Foundation and Community Relations - Jaime Manz, Sylvia Ruhl, Justin Davis, Dave Wragge, Mark Lenihan, Brandon Foote
Mr. Brandon Foote stated that the Alumni campaign has been mailed out and responces have begun coming back.
IV.b.II. Curriculum and Committee on American Civics - Wendy Consoli, Jaime Manz, Sylvia Ruhl, Mark Lenihan, Misty Beair
No report.
IV.b.III. Facility/Safety/Finance - Lynn Junck, Jodi Pulfer, Justin Davis, Mark Lenihan, Russ Plager, Jordan Widner, Rochelle Nelson
Mr. Jordan Widner wanted to thank Kevin Koenig and Lowell Schardt for allowing us to use their picnic tables and tent for outdoor classrooms and eating areas while the weather was good.
IV.b.IV. Policy/Title IX - Wendy Consoli, Jaime Manz, Jodi Pulfer, Mark Lenihan, Russ Plager, Tucker Hight
No report.
IV.b.V. Negotiations - Wendy Consoli, Lynn Junck, Justin Davis, Mark Lenihan
The Negotiations Committee had an initial meeting with teachers. They will meet again before Thanksgiving.
IV.b.VI. Legislative - Jodi Pulfer, Lynn Junck, Sylvia Ruhl, Mark Lenihan
No report.
V. Boardsmanship
V.a. November Honor Coffee
No in-person Honor Coffee will be held until futher notice due to COVID. Letters were sent home honoring the following groups: FFA Land Judging, Girls Golf State Qualifiers, Cross-Country State Qualifiers, Jr. High Cross-Country State Qualifiers, 2020 Nebraska All-State Chorus, State Nebraska Blue Devil Branch Tellers, and Junior National Young Leaders Conference.
VI. Future Agenda Items
*Superintendent Contract *Annual Fall Retreat
Other Future Agenda Items include: Second Reading of Policies 4025, 4031, 4270, 5008 and COVID-19 Update.
VII. Executive Session (If Needed)
VIII. Action Taken from Executive Session (If Needed)
IX. Adjournment
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
The meeting was adjourned at 6:52 p.m. The next regular Board Meeting will be Monday, December 14, 2020, at 5:00 p.m.