August 19, 2024 at 7:00 PM - Board of Education Regular Meeting
Minutes | ||
1. Call to Order
2. Pledge of Allegiance
3. Announce Open Meeting Act Posting and Location
4. Recognition of Visitors
During this time visitors may request to the board the opportunity to speak at the appropriate time. The Board then allow for Public Comments. Each speaker will be limited to 5 minutes and all of the Public Comment time will be limited to 30 minutes. An exception will be made for those speakers appearing on the Agenda as presenters.
5. Consent Agenda
5.1. Minutes
5.2. Treasurers Report
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
6. Administrative Reports
6.1. Athletic Director/Activities Director Report
6.2. Elementary Principals Report
6.3. Secondary Principals Report
6.4. Superintendents Report
7. District Reports
7.1. Technology Report
7.2. Maintenance/Facilities/Transportation Report
7.3. Board/Committee Report
8. Discussion Items
8.1. Item #1: Taking all necessary actions and/or discussion on approving Tillotson Enterprise Bid to spray insulation foam in our Activites Entrance. This can be moved to an action item for approval. ($8,874).
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
8.2. Item #2: 2024 Area Membership Meeting - York (8/28/24 at 4:30pm)
8.3. Item #3: Discuss, consider and take all necessary action to adopt resolution increasing the schools district's base growth percentage used to determine the school district's property tax request authority by up to seven percent (7%)
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
8.4. Item #4: Discuss, consider, and take all necessary action to review our current bleacher setup. We would be able to add a platform in conjunction with our handicapped ramp. This would increase our capacity and spacing ($17,850).
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
8.5. Item #5: Discussion of our Asbestos Report (2024). This report is good for three (3) years.
8.6. Item #6: Take the necessary discussion and action with the 1st and 2nd reading for Policy 0502.02 - Nonresident Students/Option Enrollment. Within this policy, it states the max number of students per class and how option enrollment can be accepted or denied. This can be moved to an action item.
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
8.7. Item #7: Taking all necessary discussion and/or action on adding to our Student Handbook with eligibility throughout the year. This can be moved to an action item.
8.8. Item #8: Discuss, consider, and take all necessary action to add sprinklers and lay new seed in our expanded parking lot in the West ($9,211 for sprinkler only) or ($14,011 for sprinklers & seed). This can be moved to an action item.
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
9. Action Items
9.1. Item #1: Approval of the new Title IX policies given to us through NASB. This is the 1st and 2nd reading & will be implemented immediately. Policy #504.24 - #504.24E10
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
9.2. Item #2: Approval of using the services of Pekny & Associates, CPA's, PC to audit the financial statements of governmental activities and each major fund and financial statements.
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
9.3. Item #3: Approval of EMC Insurance for the 24-25 school year:
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
10. Set Dates
11. Executive Session
The Board may enter into closed session at any time to discuss any matter for which a closed session is lawful and appropriate. We have legal matters that need to be handled in closed session. Before the Board can enter closed session, a motion must be made in agreement with Statute 84-1410 by the Board to discuss topics such as personnel, negotiations, and legal matters.
Entered into Executive Session at 8:18 pm to protect the reputation of an employee of the district.
Exited executive session at 8:25 pm Motion to adjourn at 8:26 pm. |
12. Adjournment