February 15, 2022 at 7:00 AM - Board of Education Regular Meeting
Minutes | ||
1. Call to Order
President Lutkemeier called the meeting to order at 7:00 am. The meeting was advertised in the February 3rd, 2022 publication of the Blue Hill Leader. "The Open Meetings Act" poster was displayed in the meeting room.
2. Pledge of Allegiance
3. Roll Call
4. Consent Agenda
4.1. Minutes
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4.2. Bills/Transfers/Treasurer’s Report
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4.3. Acceptance/Emergency Modifications of the Agenda
4.4. Excuse Absent Board Members
5. Public Comment
Guests attending were Jennifer tenBensel and Jennifer Karr. They were representing the Washington 2022 group and spoke to the board regarding additional costs incurred. They requested financial help with the baggage fees and room upgrades (due to odd student numbers) and not wanting our students to be assigned to a room with another school's students. The sponsors requested an additional $3,000.
6. Old Business
7. New Business
7.1. Review School Board Committee Membership
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7.2. High School Principal's Contract
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7.3. Elementary Principal's Contract
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Board member Todd Bartels wanted to discuss some points of contention. Mr. Arntt was asked if he preferred staying in open session or going into executive session. Mr. Arntt stated open session was fine. Mr. Bartels reported he's received complaints regarding equal and fair discipline, students and staff being yelled at, toxic work environment, and duties that are normally taken care of by administration being wrongfully delegated to staff. Board member Alan Bonifas also brought up teachers being unhappy and with the concern that we might lose good staff. He also talked about a conflict of interest where Mr. Arntt should have removed himself from the process.
7.4. Volleyball Home Site for the 2022-2023 School Year
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Discussion between board members took place regarding volleyball home site preference. Bladen has air conditioning and is more of a mid-way point in our district. Disadvantages - - for practice, it has room on the floor for 1 net and the bleachers are confined to one side of the gym. Roseland gym has enough room on the floor for 2 practice nets and the majority of students prefer the high school gym as PE classes and the majority of the practices take place there. Disadvantages are no air conditioning and location - especially with regards to Campbell residents.
7.5. Nebraska Association of School Boards Annual Dues
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7.6. Employ Industrial Arts Teacher
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Mr. Drake spoke to the board regarding Morgan Trausch's credentials and experience.
7.7. Employ Math teacher
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Mr. Drake reported to the board on Seth Elley's qualifications.
7.8. Transfer of certificated staff
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Mr. Drake answered a question regarding the college courses required for the additional media specialist endorsement. As long as the teacher takes 6 credit hours a year, the qualification is met for the school.
7.9. 2022-2023 School Calendar
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Board members discussed the pros and cons of each version. The main differences between the two were the start dates and Christmas break.
7.10. Washington 2022 Discussion/Guidance
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Board members discussed the way students were able to sign up for events and concessions, thereby earning additional funds, and the method by which student balances were figured. Additional discussion took place on options for the excess amounts.
8. Reports
8.1. Superintendent
Mr. Bauer reminded board members of the filing deadlines for the 2022 election year. February 15th is the last day for incumbents. (Alan B., Brian K., Dennis T., and Leon L.) March 1st is the deadline for non-incumbents to file. Nebraska School Board Recognition week was January 30th - February 5th. Mr. Bauer thanked each of the board members for their time, effort and energy. While there may be disagreements, the priorities are the same. Ensuring students receive a safe and high-quality education. The Americanism Committee Hearing was originally scheduled for the March board meeting. It will be set for the April regular board meeting. Mr. Sluka will start working on extra-duty assignments to be approved at the March board of education meeting. If you have comments or concerns please contact him ahead of the meeting. Rule 10 safety review was conducted by Larry Witt on February 14th. More information on that at the March board of education meeting.
8.2. Elementary Principal
Mr. Arntt reported that 3rd quarter progress reports were sent home on February 4th. Webster Co. Spelling Bee 6th grader Kaylee Karr placed 3rd. Elementary Quiz Bowl competed in the ESU 9 tournament in Hastings on February 1st. They placed 13th out of 41 schools. Fourth grade students participated in the NAEP (National Assessment of Educational Progress) testing on February 3rd. Mr. Conroy and Silver Lake Elementary will be doing Hoops for Heart during the month of February. Teacher observations at the elementary have been completed. Gym roof has been patched. Insurance adjuster was down to look at the gym roof on Wednesday, January 26th. We are waiting for a bid from White Castle Roofing for insurance purposes. Larry Witt was here yesterday for the Safety Audit. Elementary Teacher Inservice is set for Wednesday, February 16th, from 1:00 - 4:00 pm. LaRaesha Kugel from ESU 9 will be discussing our NSCAS scores and showing the teachers how to interpret the data. The 2022-23 calendars have been presented. Webster County Fair has approached the school regarding parking stock trailers in the parking lot at fair time. Also, 4-H will be meeting after school from 4 - 5:30 weekly for the first 3 weeks in March.
8.3. Secondary Principal
Mr. Drake reported that students completed a climate and culture survey. Senior job shadowing is well underway. Juniors start next week. Completed events include TVC Basketball: Girls - 3rd place; Boys - 4th place, Rule 10 Safety Visit, FFA LDE's, SL High School Quiz Bowl, and Science Fair. Upcoming Events: Parent-Teacher Conferences are February 23rd, Sub-District Basketball, TVC Speech is February 23rd, FFA Banquet is set for March 15th, Prom - April 22nd, Spring Concert - April 26th and Graduation - May 14th at 4:00 pm. Speech Night has been set for March 1st. Our new hires for the 2022-23 school year are Morgan Trausch, Seth Elley with Krista Behmer being reassigned. Landon Nabower is being recognized as a finalist for the National Merit Scholarship.
8.4. Administrative
9. Presentation and Recognition of Awards
10. Executive Session
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11. Next Meeting
The next regular meeting of the Board of Education is set for 7:30 pm, Tuesday, March 15th, at the high school in Roseland.
12. Adjournment
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