February 15, 2023 at 7:00 PM - Board of Education Regular Monthly Meeting
Minutes | |
1. Opening the Meeting
President Lutkemeier opened the meeting at 7:00 pm. The meeting notice was advertised in the February 2nd publication of the Blue Hill Leader. "The Open Meetings Act" poster was displayed in the meeting room.
1.1. Call to Order
1.2. Pledge of Allegiance
1.3. District Mission Statement
1.4. Nebraska Open Meetings Law
1.5. Publication of the Meeting
1.6. Board Member Roll Call
1.7. Excuse Absent Board Members
2. Approval of the Agenda
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
3. Celebration of Excellence
See attached document.
4. Public Comment
Guest in attendance was Jennifer Karr. There were no comments offered at this time.
5. Information Items
5.1. Superintendent
Mr. Bauer reminded board members of the NRCSA Spring Conference set for March 23rd & 24th in Kearney. Board members expressing an interest in attending were Leon Lutkemeier, Todd Bartels, Alan Bonifas and Daren Niemeyer. Mr. Bauer encouraged the remaining board members to let him know if they were interested before March 20th. Weather concerns forced a teacher in-service date to be canceled in January. Board members expressed an interest in having teachers make that day up for the purpose of refreshing First Aid and CPR techniques. Mr. Bauer reported that he was checking into E-Funds (an online payment system) for taking care of student lunch bills. He covered the pros and cons of it and would like to roll it out in August. He also reported that the 2023-24 calendar would be ready for approval at the March board meeting. Mr. Bauer informed board members about legislative updates that could affect our district. He handed out summarized information to board members on proposed legislation. He also asked for volunteers interested in testifying at the hearings. Mr. Sluka will begin working through extra duty assignments for the 2023-24 school year. Board members were encouraged to touch base with him regarding any comments or concerns. The NRCSA Legislative Forum has been postponed until March 7th due to the weather. Mr. Bauer has finished up the ESSER II claims and is awaiting documentation from our accounting firm to finish up the ESSER III claim.
5.2. Elementary Principal
Mr. Drake reported that Amelia Gomez was the top 5th grade speller at the Webster County Spelling Bee on January 30th. Also the Silver Lake Elementary Quiz Bowl team placed 5th out of 46 teams on February 7th. Progress reports were sent home on February 17th. In-Service (Amplify CKLA training) and Parent-Teacher conferences are set for February 22nd. February 27 - March 2nd is slated as Read Across America week and NHS students will have activities for the kids. Green Eggs and Ham Breakfast will take place on March 2nd. Pre-K Roundup is set for March 7th and Kindergarten Roundup will be March 14th. Administrative notes : Qualified candidates interviewed for the 5th grade position and the Kindergarten room sustained some water damage due to the roof. Rutt's Heating & Air will be out to work on the preschool rooms. Mr. Drake also praised Mrs. Heldt for her work with elementary students. She arrives later in the afternoon and does age-appropriate activities with students. He also mentioned the 2 elementary students recognized at the Nebraska DOT Division of Aeronautics Art Contest. (Bella Schmidt and Daviel Alvarez Roman)
5.3. Secondary Principal
Mr. Arntt reported that Juniors took the ASVAB test on January 18th. Mustang Machining Co. received their grant check of $1,500 from Southern Public Power. With that grant money, they purchased a powder coating system and a sand blaster. Xander Journey won 1st place at the Webster County Spelling Bee in Red Cloud on January 30th. The Varsity Girls Basketball team placed 4th in the TVC tournament on February 4th. The HS Quiz Bowl participated in the ESU-9 meet and went 0 - 2 on February 8th. The JH Quiz Bowl participated in the ESU-9 meet and went 1-2 on February 9th. The Varsity Girls Basketball team played in sub-districts at Hastings College on February 14th with a 7:30 pm start. The JH/HS science fair was held today. The Varsity Girls Basketball team is set to play again in sub-districts at Hastings College on February 16th with a 6:00 pm start. State Dance Competition is set for February 17th in Grand Island. Silver Lake's team will perform at 8:52 am and 4:19 pm. Varsity Boys Basketball team is set to play in sub-districts at Kenesaw on February 20th, 21st and possibly February 23rd with times to be announced. There will be no school on February 22nd due to teacher in-service (8:00 - noon) and P/T conferences (1:00 - 7:00 pm). FFA plant sales begin on February 27th. Speech night will take place at the high school on February 28th at 6:30 pm. District Speech at Franklin is set for March 8th. The FFA Banquet is scheduled for March 13th at 6:00 pm. Administrative notes: Things are going well for Seniors participating in work study during 2nd semester. Classrooms are being fogged at the high school as a preventative measure.
6. Consent Agenda
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
6.1. Minutes
6.2. Bills/Transfers/Treasurer's Report
6.3. Acceptance/Emergency Modifications of the Agenda
7. Action Items
7.1. Employ Connor Brown as 5th Grade Teacher
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The reassignment of Amber Zimmerman left a vacancy for a 5th grade teacher. Mr. Drake and Mr. Bauer interviewed two very good candidates and have offered the position to Connor Brown.
7.2. Night Custodian - Roseland
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The departure of Brenda Wright created a vacancy for night cleaning in Roseland. We interviewed and offered the position to Vincent Moretti.
7.3. Car Purchase
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We sold the green mini van that the teachers often utilized to drive back and forth between sites. We have found a 2011 Chevy Impala with 117,000 miles on it that has newer tires and has been well maintained. They were asking $7,500 for the vehicle. Mr. Bauer has them willing to sell this to us for $7,000.
7.4. Review Board Committee Membership
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The Silver Lake School Board has several standing committees. It is good to review these committees at the beginning of each year.
7.5. Nebraska Association of School Boards Membership Dues
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Membership dues for NASB are $3,703 if paid by April 1, 2023.
7.6. High School Principal Contract
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8. Discussion/Information Items
Mr. Bauer discussed the Canva program (free graphic design program) and the Chat GPT artificial intelligence program. He also asked board members to reach out to their senator regarding LB 753 which pulls tax credits for private school scholarships, as well as LB 575 the Sports / Spaces act.
9. Closed Session
10. Future Agenda Items
Mr. Bauer is waiting on a superintendent's survey for more information on a drug testing policy. The next regular board of education meeting is set for Tuesday, March 14th, 7 pm at the high school.
11. Adjournment
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