November 14, 2023 at 7:00 PM - Board of Education Regular Monthly Meeting
Minutes | |
1. Opening the Meeting
President Lutkemeier opened the meeting at 7:00 pm. The meeting notice was advertised in the November 2nd publication of the Blue Hill Leader. "The Open Meetings Act" poster was displayed in the meeting room.
1.1. Call to Order
1.2. Pledge of Allegiance
1.3. District Mission Statement
1.4. Nebraska Open Meetings Law
1.5. Publication of the Meeting
1.6. Board Member Roll Call
1.7. Excuse Absent Board Members
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2. Approval of the Agenda
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3. Celebration of Excellence
4. Public Comment
Guests in attendance were Ashley Kral, Jennifer Karr, Chris Sluka and Adam Klein. Public comment time was used by Ashley Kral.
5. Information Items
5.1. Superintendent
Mr. Bauer reported that the 2015 bus purchased back in 2013 had repairs totaling $32,221 for the year. He recommended that a replacement bus be considered and also to start using the 2022 bus as a route bus instead of just an activity trip bus. The negotiations team met prior to tonight's meeting. Another meeting is being planned. Mr. Bauer discussed the current trend of student numbers and the decisions that may need to be made in the next couple of years regarding athletics. The NASB State Conference is set to start tomorrow. 3 board members (L. Lutkemeier, A. Bonifas and E. Parr) along with Mr. Bauer will be attending. Mr. Bauer reported that he attended the NASA Region 4 meeting in Kearney on Wednesday, November 8th. He shared legislative updates and proposals regarding taxation, education and AI. He also shared a report from the state patrol regarding AI and the exploitation of kids. The Holiday Meal is set for December 2nd at the Webster County Fair Building. The administration is waiting for 2 Heating & A/C companies to come out and look at the elementary system. Mr. Bauer also reported that the audit and AFR were uploaded to the portal. All reports associated with them have also been uploaded or completed. Mr. Bauer and board members discussed transportation options with regards to adverse weather conditions.
5.2. Elementary Principal
Mr. Drake reported on enrollment. K-6 students are at 104. PreK-6 students total 124. He also reported on completed events: State Football Pep Rally held on October 18th at the Elementary; the ESU 9 TLC Conference was October 23rd; Red Ribbon week was October 24 - 27th; Pancakes for Parents (which was well attended) was held October 26th along with the FBLA Pumpkin Judging (82 pumpkins PreK - 6). November 1st was the opening day for the Mustang Branch; the Veterans Day Program was November 10th at the HS; and the Elementary Quiz Bowl was held November 14th. (Team members include: Leah Bartels, Mazie Boyd, Jacob Dinkler, Amielia Gomez, Emily Hemberger, Colston Karr, Olivia Whitten and Cooper Crowe). Upcoming events include Progress Reports to be sent home for grades 3 - 6 on November 17th; Elementary students will be at the HS for the One Act Matinee on November 21st; Thanksgiving Break will be November 22 - 24th; and the Elementary Concert is set for December 14th at 6:30 pm. Administrative events include the APL Conference in Kearney on November 29th - 30th with Mrs. tenBensel and Mr. Drake attending.
5.3. Secondary Principal
Mr. Jones reported on past and upcoming professional development events. CTE meeting (Oct. 18th), ESU 9 TLC (Oct. 23rd), EOP / Safety Protocol Training (Oct. 24th), ELA Curriculum Training (Nov 14th), CTE meeting (Nov 15th) and APL Training (Nov 29th & 30th). JH / HS Academics include the end of 1st quarter (Oct 13th), UNL Youth Science Day (10th grade) (Oct 17th), Kneeknocker Woods trip (49 students) (Oct 20th), Red Ribbon Week (Oct 23 - 31st), ASAAP for 7th, 8th & 9th grade (Oct 24th), Veterans Program (Nov 10th), ASAAP for 7, 8th & 9th grade (Nov 17th), Storm Hockey (Dec 17th), 7 - 12 Winter Concert (Dec 19th), Semester Finals (Dec 19th & 20th), Hearts and Hands Against Hunger (Dec 21st), Mini Courses (Dec 22nd) as well as the end of 2nd quarter / 1st semester, and the NSAA Moratorium (Dec 23rd - 27th). A Fire drill was held Nov 16th. JH / HS Sports / Activities: Fall Sports Wrap Up - Varsity FB ended 5 -4 and qualified for the state playoffs. Varsity VB ended 16 - 14 and lost in the sub-district finals; and Varsity Cross Country had a strong season and will bring everyone back next year. Winter sports projected numbers (estimated): Boys BB - 26 students; Girls BB - 14 students; Dance - 3 students, JH Girls BB - 11 students and JH Boys BB - TBA. Winter activity projected numbers (estimated): One-Act - 20 students; HS Quiz Bowl - 9 students and JH Quiz Bowl - 8 students. The football declaration deadline is Nov 30th and Prom is set for April 19th. College and Career Ready: Seniors to UNK (Sept. 6th), Juniors to UNK / Kearney CCC - TBA, Sophomores to UNL / SCC - TBA, 7th / 8th Grade to Hastings CCC - TBA; CCC Industrial Exploration Day - Oct. 25th; Pre-ACT (Sophomores) - Oct 26th; Multiple College Reps on Campus - October / November; AG / FFA: Shop Explorer (7th & 8th Grades), Shop Updates - Plasma Table, X-Carve Table, Metal Band Saw; National FFA - November 1st - 4th (Samantha Bonifas received 4th place at the National FFA Convention in Agriscience Fair), FFA Small Town Craft Show (Nov 18th); and FFA Contests (Nov 29th); Business / FBLA: Food Drive (Food donated locally) - Oct. 15th, FBLA Blood Drive (Oct. 20th), Pumpkin Judging (Oct 26th), Spider Hunt (Oct 30 - 31st), and March of Dimes week (Nov 13 - 17). Art (CTE Items): Added a Heat Press and created One-Act Shirts,
Glowforge: custom orders, creating a sign for the Elem Mustang Bank Branch, Veterans Day Magnets, multiple leather projects, cutting boards, and misc (coasters, earrings & home decor) |
6. Consent Agenda
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6.1. Minutes
6.2. Bills/Transfers/Treasurer's Report
6.3. Acceptance/Emergency Modifications of the Agenda
7. Action Items
7.1. Voluntary Early Retirement
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Policy 4149 states that the Board shall determine at the November Regular Board of Education Meeting, if a window of opportunity for early retirement will be offered to eligible certificated employees for the following school year. Within 10 days after the November board meeting, the Superintendent shall inform all certificated teachers of the School Boards decision to provide a window of opportunity for early retirement.
Certificated employees will have 45 days to inform the superintendent in writing of their intentions on the option for Early Retirement. The following staff members are eligible to receive the early retirement incentive: Trish Hinrichs, Sheila Rupprecht and Chris Sluka. |
7.2. Football Declaration
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We need to make our football declaration by November 30th.
Number of boys that would currently be in each class next school year: 12th - 9 (7 participated) 11th - 9 (5 participated) 10th - 7 (3 participated) 9th - 8 (5 participated) 8th - 3 (3 participated) 7th - 5 6th - 3 5th - 7 4th - 14 |
7.3. Emergent 3 Service Agreement
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7.4. Air Conditioner Damage Insurance Claim
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EMC HVAC Units Repair Cost was listed at $87,084.59. We have a $5,000 deductible.
EMC has given us a check in the amount of $38,250,72. Our policy includes replacement cost optional coverage. This would be $43,833.87 which can be claimed upon completion of the repairs and/or replacement. We have secured the bid for replacing the 12 of the 14 units that are damaged from Precision Heating and Air Conditioning for $68,723. See attached insurance letter as well as bid from Precision. |
7.5. Request to add additional boys basketball assistant coach
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The boys anticipate having 25 out for basketball. Alex Ehrman, who is currently student teaching, has said he would be interested in helping. Current assistants are Allen Ehrman and Jordan Scott.
Adding him as an assistant coach would at least pay for his fuel to drive back and forth. |
8. Discussion/Information Items
8.1. Policy Update #4043 Professional Boundaries between Employees and Students
This is the second time through School Board of Education Policy Update to policy #4043 (Professional boundaries between Employees and Students).
To help make this conversation more effective, Mr. Bauer highlighted some items for discussion. Looking at this policy in the grand scheme, we need something that we are happy with until December 1, 2024, the deadline that the legislature has given the state department of education to develop and distribute a model dress code and grooming policy for the state. Board members discussed the highlighted areas and came up with some workable ideas. The school board will vote to approve this at the December Board of Education Meeting. |
8.2. Superintendent Evaluation
According to Silver Lake Policy 4057, the superintendent is to have an annual evaluation done the month prior to the month in which the board is to notify the superintendent of its intention to consider the non-renewal or amendment of the contract. According to the contract, this intention is to be given by January 15th. Evaluations were handed out at the October board meeting with the board wishing to check the Superintendent Evaluation off the to-do list at tonight's November Board of Education meeting. Mr. Lutkemeier was in last week to go over the results with Mr. Bauer.
Approval of the Superintendent Contract and setting a salary would be done at the December Board of Education meeting if deemed necessary. |
8.3. 2022-23 Audit from Romans, Weimer & Associates attached
The annual audit has been completed. The AFR was uploaded and all documentation was submitted prior to the due date. Please see the attached annual audit. Discussion and approval of the audit will be completed at the December board of education meeting.
Mr. Bauer will get the paper copies out to the board members as soon as he receives them. We will vote to approve the audit at the December Board of Education Meeting. |
8.4. External review presentation
Mr. Bauer shared the external review team's initial findings from their visit with board members and guests.
9. Future Agenda Items
The next Regular Board of Education Meeting is set for Wednesday, December 13th, 7 pm at the high school in Roseland.
10. Adjournment
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