September 11, 2024 at 7:10 PM - Board of Education Regular Monthly Meeting
Minutes | |
1. Opening the Meeting
President Lutkemeier opened the meeting at 7:12 pm. The meeting notice was advertised in the August 29th publication of the Blue Hill Leader. "The Open Meetings Act" poster was displayed in the meeting room.
1.1. Call to Order
1.2. Pledge of Allegiance
1.3. District Mission Statement
1.4. Nebraska Open Meetings Law
1.5. Publication of the Meeting
1.6. Board Member Roll Call
1.7. Excuse Absent Board Members
2. Approval of the Agenda
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
3. Celebration of Excellence
4. Public Comment
Guests in attendance were Jennifer Karr and Adam Klein. No comments were offered.
5. Information Items
5.1. Superintendent
Mr. Bauer reported:
5.2. Elementary Principal
Mr. Drake reported: PreK- 26 (17 all day, 9 half day) Kindergarten - 9 3rd Grade - 17 4th Grade - 23 5th Grade - 16 6th Grade - 12 Completed Events: Elementary Principal Report September 11, 2024 Picture Day: August 27th Fall DIBELS testing is completed Upcoming Events: MAP/NSCAS Fall testing is underway Sept 25th - Picture Retakes Other Updates: |
5.3. Secondary Principal
Mr. Jones reported on professional development events, academic and extra curricular schedules, and student participation numbers which have increased this year. He also reported on a Homecoming Prep meeting, a slight drop in enrollment and an increase in E-sports team members. In addition, Mr. Jones reported on a Peer Education Project and gave an update on the Booster Club.
6. Consent Agenda
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6.1. Minutes
6.2. Bills/Transfers/Treasurer's Report
6.3. Acceptance/Emergency Modifications of the Agenda
7. Action Items
7.1. Adoption of the 2024-25 Silver Lake Budget.
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
7.2. Property Tax Request Resolution
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WHEREAS, the public was given notice at least five days in advance of a Special Public Hearing called for the purpose of discussing and approving or modifying the District's Tax Requests for the 2024-25, school fiscal year for the General Fund, Bond Fund, Special Building Fund, and the Qualified Capital Purpose Undertaking Fund of Silver Lake Public Schools, School District 01-0123-000: and
WHEREAS, such Special Public Hearing was held before the Board of Education (hereinafter "the Board") of Silver Lake District 01-0123-000 (hereinafter "the District") at the time, date, and place announced in the notice published in a newspaper of general circulation, a copy of which notice and proof of publication of which is attached hereto as Exhibit A, all as required by law: and, WHEREAS, the Board provided an opportunity to receive comment, information, and evidence from persons in attendance at such Special Hearing: and, Whereas, the Board, after having reviewed the District's Tax Requests for each said fund, and after public consideration of the matter, has determined that the Final Tax Requests as listed below are necessary in order to carry out the functions of the District, as determined by the Board for the 2024-25, school fiscal year. General Fund Tax Requests - $4,007,564.00 Bond Fund Tax Requests - $357,106.00 Special Building Tax Requests - $68,503.00 |
7.3. Outdoor Metal Picnic Tables/umbrellas (Mental Health Grant)
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Purchase 8 metal picnic tables with 8 umbrellas and bases for the amount of $9,969.33 from ULINE.
Mental Health Grant Funds will be used for this. |
7.4. Library Sofa Area Bid (Mental Health Grant)
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
7.5. Heartland Seating (Maintenance on Bleachers - Both Locations)
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Mr. Bauer asked Mr. Jones and Mr. Sluka to find a company that services bleachers to come out and inspect ours and service them.
Last time this was done was 2019. Heartland Seating is recommending the service in the amount of $6,650 which will cover us for the next three years. |
7.6. Grasshopper Lawn Mowers
We purchased one of these in 05 and the other in 13. It is time to look at updating.
I have attached two bids for a grasshopper two different bagging units. The preferred bagging option would extend the life of our trailer. (Bid Price - $25,164.25) I think the best course of action would be to trade in the older of the two mowers towards a new grasshopper. Move the new one up to the Roseland location, and try to get another year out or two out of the newer one in Roseland and purchase a new grasshopper for Bladen. After further consideration, Mr. Bauer requested that the lawnmower proposal be tabled so he could check with the John Deere dealer and discuss trade options. |
7.7. SLEA request to be recognized
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The Silver Lake Education Association is requesting that that Board take action to recognize them as the exclusive bargaining agent for the district's non-supervisory certificated staff for the 2026-27 contract year.
8. Discussion/Information Items
8.1. Bladen Bus Barn Update
The LOI is attached. It ran twice in the Kearney Hub and the Hastings Tribune and once in the Blue Hill Leader.
Attached you will see a copy of the LOI (Letters on interest Due September 20th). The current count is zero. Attached you will find updated preliminary plans as well. Just wanted to keep all the board members in the loop. |
8.2. NRCSA Speaker - Jack Moles
Nebraska Rural Community Schools Association, Executive Director Jack Moles will be on hand to present the benefits of being a NRCSA member.
9. Future Agenda Items
Next Meeting Agenda . . . ACT scores. The next regular board meeting will be Tuesday, October 15th, 7 am, at the Elementary in Bladen.
10. Adjournment
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.