March 10, 2025 at 7:30 PM - Board of Education Regular Meeting
Minutes | ||
1. Call to Order
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
Notice of the meeting was given in advance thereof by publication in the Holdrege Daily Citizen, the School District's designated method for giving notice, and posting at the Loomis Public Schools, Loomis Village Office and Loomis Post Office, a copy of the Affidavit of Publication being attached to these Minutes. Notice of this meeting was given in advance to all members of the Board of Education, and a copy of their Acknowledgment of Receipt of Notice is attached to these Minutes. Availability of the Agenda was communicated in the advance notice and in the notice to the members of this meeting. The President publicly stated to all in attendance that a current copy of the Nebraska Open Meetings Act was available for review and indicated the location of such copy in the room where the meeting was being held. All proceedings of the Board were taken while the convened meeting was open to the attendance of the public. |
2. Welcome Guests
3. Approval of Absent Board Members
4. Consent Agenda
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
Reviewed the Bill Roster.
4.1. Agenda
4.2. Previous Board Meeting Minutes
4.3. Bill Roster
4.4. Financial Reports
4.4.1. General Fund
Receipts $496,608.39, expenses $369,440.91, balance $1,900,889.39
Through February, we are 56.57% of the general fund budget. |
4.4.2. Investment Fund
Depreciation: Receipts $210.33, expenses $0, balance $1,023,959.38
Bond: Receipts $14,204.78, expenses $0, balance $218,681.79 |
4.4.3. Activities Fund
Receipts $18,082.30, expenses $13,958.00, balance $137,547.01
4.4.4. Nutrition Fund
Receipts $24,302.12, expenses $23,446.08, balance $65,915.88
4.4.5. Building Fund
Receipts $9,353.60, expenses $420.84, balance $174,867.15
5. Introduction of Speakers
6. Board Committee Reports
Beef Committee: 1 Beef was purchased.
6.1. Negotiations
6.2. Americanism
6.3. Policy
6.4. Building, Grounds, and Transportation
6.4.1. Board Discussion on the expansion/buildings project
6.5. Preschool Advisory
31 preschool applicants, letters will be sent this week notifying families if they were accepted or not.
7. Administrative Reports
Spring sports are beginning, Mr. Benjamin will help coach golf this year.
7.1. Principal
Testing will begin soon. Parent-teacher conferences were held in February, grades K-6 had 95% attendance and 7-12 was 37%.
7.2. Superintendent
Teacher contracts are due March 15, CJUMP natural gas program, Mr. Spies will be teaching driver's education, bus 16 is waiting for a windshield that is on backorder.
8. Public Forum
9. Recess
None taken
10. Action Agenda Items
10.1. Vote to approve the contract with Hausman Construction as the Construction Manager at Risk.
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
10.1.1. Approve the purchase of a 2024 Chrysler Pacifica van from Janssen Chrysler, Jeep, Dodge for 38,359.
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10.2. Vote to approve the contract for Samantha Thorell for the 1st grade position for the 25-26 school year.
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10.2.1. Non-Certified wage increase
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10.2.2. Administration salary increase
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11. Closed Session
12. Next Meeting Date
13. Adjournment
Meeting adjourned at 8:42 p.m.