March 8, 2021 at 7:00 PM - Board of Education Regular Meeting
Minutes | |
1. Milford Public Schools Board of Education Information
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Mission Statement - Milford Public Schools will prepare all students to be successful citizens: Our Mission is fulfilled when all students read with comprehension, speak and write clearly, compute accurately, reason logically, understand and appreciate the fine arts, apply suitable strategies and habits of mind to solve problems, utilize technology to communicate and to understand information and behave morally.
This agenda contains a list of subjects known at the time of its distribution. A copy of the agenda reflecting any changes will be available for public inspection during normal business hours in the District Office. Except for items of an emergency nature, the agenda shall not be altered later than twenty-four hours before the meeting. The Board reserves the right to alter the order of items, as it deems necessary. |
1.1. Meeting was advertised in the March 3, 2021 edition of the Milford Times.
2. Opening Procedures
2.1. Call to Order, Roll Call
2.2. Excuse Absent Board Member(s)
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Jessica Dunlap will be absent.
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
2.3. Open Meeting Law - Information concerning the Open Meeting Law, Chapter 84, Article 14 of Nebraska State Statutes, is posted on the door in the northeast corner of the meeting room
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Information concerning the Open Meeting Law, Chapter 84, Article 14 of Nebraska State Statutes, is posted on the bulletin board in the back of the meeting room. |
2.4. Additions to Agenda
2.5. Welcome and Introduction of Visitors
2.6. Community Input
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This is the public’s opportunity to speak to items on the agenda. This is also the public’s opportunity to speak to other non-agenda topics concerning the school district - since it is not an agenda item the board cannot discuss or take action on the matter at this time. To be recognized, all participants must complete the Request to Address the Milford Board of Education Form. The District has established separate complaint procedures for any complaints, including complaints and concerns against individual employees. As such, the Board requests that this complaint process be followed before discussion with the Board takes place. Thank you for your participation. |
3. Consent Agenda
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
3.1. Review, Consider, and Take All Necessary Action on the Minutes of Previous Meeting
3.2. Review, Consider, and Take All Necessary Action to Approve Payment of Claims
More Information:
General Fund for $73,924.50
4. Reports
4.1. Wrestling Team - Presentation by Joe and Konner Schluckebier
Joe and Konner Schluckebier discussed the Milford wrestling program.
4.2. NASB/NDE Rule 10 Overview by Nebraska Department of Education and NASB
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From NASB and NDE:
Background: The Nebraska Department of Education is required to accredit and/or approve all schools in the state, guided by current Rules 10 and 14. In Fall 2018, the State Board of Education directed the NDE to begin a process for revision and reinterpretation of these rules. In response, the NDE is creating three separate, but interrelated rules of Approval, Accreditation, and Accountability of public and non-public schools to replace Rules 10 and 14. More information can be found at this link: AQuESTT System of Approval, Accreditation, and Accountability Purpose: NDE is partnering with NASB to gather your feedback. We are planning a coordinated 15-minutes presentation via Zoom during the March Regular Board Meetings with all school districts and ESUs. Following this presentation each board member and superintendent/ESU Administrator will have the opportunity to provide feedback pertaining to the proposed changes to Rules 10 and 14. The attachement AQuESTT System of Approval Accreditation and Accountability explains some of the changes being considered. Dr. Kubicek will explain the process better than the information provided by NDE. We have attached the video link for your viewing in case you want to answer the survey you will receive from NDE.
Dr. Kubicek explained the process for revision and reinterpretation of Rules 10 and 14.
4.3. Administrative Reports
Elementary Principal: Mrs. Hartman discussed parent/teacher conferences.
Assistant Secondary Principal: Mr. Soester pointed out individual student and team accomplishments. He thanked everyone who made the trip to North Platte possible for the Boy's District Basketball finals. He discussed the article on the Milford High School Striv Team and the District 2 STAR results. Director of Learning: Dr. Kubicek discussed the March 2 teacher in-service. He shared a summary of state assessments that will be taking place. He discussed the school improvement external visit that will take place March 16 and 17. Superintendent: Mr. Wingard shared that Mallory Gregory was named the FCCLA Advisor of the Month. He included NASB's monthly update. He pointed out upcoming NASB trainings and future meetings. |
4.4. Grade Level Student Enrollment Report
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K-6 is at 428 (2 more than last month) 7-8 is at 125 9-12 is at 223 (1 more than last month) K-12 is at 776 (3 more than last month)
K-6 is at 428 (2 more than last month)
7-8 is at 125 9-12 is at 223 (1 more than last month) K-12 is at 776 (3 more than last month) |
4.5. COVID-19 Report
Mr. Wingard discussed staff and student COVID numbers; immunizations; NSAA protocols for state tournaments, district music, and all spring activities; prom; graduation; masks; staff COVID leave; and county/statewide numbers.
4.6. Legislative Report
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Report and articles are attached.
Mr. Wingard included a legislative board report.
4.7. Discuss State Funding for Public Education
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Open discussion as needed.
President Welsch discussed miscellaneous bills.
5. Board Commentary
President Welsch congratulated the boy's basketball team.
6. Unfinished Business
6.1. Review, Consider, and Take All Necessary Action on 2021-22 Option Enrollment Requests
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
6.2. Review, Consider, and Take All Necessary Action on the 2021-22 Master Calendar
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
7. New Business
7.1. Review, Consider, and Take All Necessary Action on 2021-22 Initial Teaching Contracts for Bryce Roth (HS Social Studies), Michelle Wittstruck (Junior High), Ken Burkhardt Jr. (7-12 PE)
More Information:
Bryce Roth - HS Social Studies
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
7.2. Review, Consider, and Take All Necessary Action on the 2021-22 Out of State Trip Requests
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Policy 6027 on Field Trips requires that out-of-state trips be preapproved by the school board.
A list of proposed trips is attached. Obviously COVID-19 and travel restrictions could have an impact on these trips. You will notice that many of the trips will only take place if we have qualifiers.
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
7.3. My Review, Consider, and Take All Necessary Action on the Milford Schools Foundation Board of Director Positions
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The list of the Board of Directors is attached and the following is the information from the Foundation:
Bylaw’s and Articles of Incorporation state that the number of Directors on the Board of Directors shall be seven (7), one (1) which shall at all times be a member of the Board of Education of the School District of Milford and one (1) which at all times will be the Superintendent of Schools. The five (5) at-large Directors shall be appointed by the Board of Education of the School District of Milford in consultation with the Superintendent, approximately one-third of said Directors to be appointed each year for a term of three (3) years, or until their successors have been appointed. The Board of Education of the School District of Milford shall have the power to remove and appoint replacements for Directors in consultation with the Superintendent. My recommendation is that we re-appoint Larry Heyen and Dr. Bob Wergin.
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
7.4. Discuss/Consider Curriculum Textbook/Materials Replacement Cycle and Recommended Materials for Next School Year
Mr. Wingard included a textbook replacement schedule. Dr. Kubicek the math curriculum the district currently has in place.
8. Executive Session
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The Board of Education reserves the right to enter into Closed/Executive Session for 1) the protection of the public interest, or 2) the prevention of needless injury to the reputation of an individual, and/or the individual has not requested a public meeting. When making a motion to enter into Closed/Executive Session, the member making the motion should be as specific as possible as to the reason(s) for executive session. |
8.1. Executive Session (if requested)
9. Adjourn
Pesident Welsch adjourned the meeting at 8:50 p.m.