February 19, 2018 at 4:30 PM - Buildings and Grounds Committee Meeting
Minutes |
1. Roll Call
Members present include: Bruce Scheer, Luanne Sundberg, Jessica Scheer, Lynn Johnson, Lawrence Reed
2. Discuss plans for developing a facilities strategic plan
The committee discussed various processes to be used in developing a strategic plan for facilities and the types of entities that could help us in the development of the plan. It was agreed that, although we have a solid base of information gathered from the community engagement process and other patron input, there is additional information to gather as well as additional strategizing to affirm and prioritize needs. The committee is recommending that we move forward with a facilitator that will lead us in developing a strategic plan. The committee discussed various entities that provide this type of facilitation and tasked Lynn with exploring these options further and getting information back to the committee so that they could move forward with determining a recommendation to the board of education.
3. Update on improvements and maintenance at baseball field
Lawrence and Lynn shared that Schmader Electric does have us on their schedule to address lighting at the baseball field. This includes fixing broken lamps and evaluating others. The backstop has been reconfigured with the wooden lower portion nearing completion and then the backstop net will be hung. The chain link fence repairs are complete.
4. Carry-over agenda items
The committee decided to discuss the three agenda items that are being carried over from the last meeting (generator, ATV utility vehicle, Title IX 'single-user' restroom) at the next committee meeting since they are not time sensitive.
5. Recommendation to the board as a result of this meeting:
This committee intends to make a recommendation at the March board meeting on a facilitator to be used to assist us in the development of the facilities strategic plan. They are in the process of making the determination on who will be recommended.