March 6, 2018 at 4:45 PM - Buildings and Grounds Committee Meeting
Minutes |
1. Roll Call
Those present include: Bruce Scheer, Luanne Sundberg, Jessica Scheer, Lynn Johnson, Lawrence Reed
2. Interview potential facilitators that would assist in developing a direction for facility planning
The committee met separately with two qualified individuals who have both served in the capacity as facilitators for many schools, other public entities, and several businesses.
3. Discuss grant awarded the district for playground(s)
Lynn shared with the committee that we were notified that we are the recipients of a grant for $47,000 that Jacque wrote to assist with playground updates. There are some details that need to be clarified before processing further.
4. Update on upgrades to baseball facility
Lawrence provided update on the progress at the baseball field to include completion of the backstop, scheduled light repairs and completed fence repairs.
5. Discuss information concerning wrestling practice needs
The committee considered information that was forwarded to them by administration/coach. The committee added these three items to the summative needs list to include repairing the resilite wrestling mat, purchase of dollamur mat(s), and installing a projection system in the new gym.
6. Discuss summative needs list
The committee discussed updating the summative needs list to include adding purchase of projection system for new gym and wrestling mats.
7. Recommendation to the board as a result of this meeting:
The committee is recommending hiring Dr. Larry Dlugosh to serve as facilitator for a facility planning process.