April 24, 2018 at 6:30 PM - Buildings and Grounds Committee Meeting
Minutes |
1. Roll Call
Members present include: Bruce Scheer, Luanne Sundberg, Jessica Scheer, Lynn Johnson, Lawrence Reed
Also present: Dr. Larry Dlugosh |
2. Discuss with Dr. Dlugosh format for facility planning activity.
Dr. Larry Dlugosh met with the committee and presented them with an agenda and outline for the facility planning meeting. The committee worked with Dr. Dlugosh to finalize an agenda format and details for the meeting. A date for the meeting was discussed and will be finalized with the full board.
3. Discuss playground updates
Lynn and Lawrence shared a recommendation with the committee that would change the preschool playground to a poured surface and the larger elementary playground to a rubber crumb surface. The proposal included some modifications to current equipment on the large playground and adding a couple of new playground pieces. We will not know whether or not we receive the DEQ grant until end of May. The committee supports the recommendation and to take action on this in May so that we will not be delayed in obtaining summer installation. If the DEQ grant is not received we may limit the work to the preschool playground only. The $47,000 grant from Scheels will be utilized in addition to district funds.
4. Review suggestions for summer maintenance
Lawrence and Lynn discussed some of the summer maintenance projects but will present the committee with a more inclusive list in the near future. Part of this discussion included adding casework to three of the elementary rooms that currently do not have casework.
5. Review updated summative needs list
The committee reviewed the updates to the summative needs list which included making casework in elementary rooms a priority 1 and adding updates to the public safety radio's that we utilize in our transportation fleet and in our offices to the list with a priority 1 or 2.
6. Recommendation to the board as a result of this meeting:
The committee will be recommending that the board move forward with adding a poured rubber surface to the preschool playground and a rubber crumb surface to the larger playground. If DEQ grants are not received then we may postpone the rubber crumb surface for larger playground.