July 23, 2018 at 7:00 PM - St. Paul's Liaison Representative Meeting
Minutes |
1. Nonpublic Consultation Meeting - Special Education
2017-18 Proportionate Share: $$6,364 (spent $2,184.94 - left $4,179.06)
2018-19 Proportionate Share: $1,631
Lynn Johnson made note that this will serve as our nonpublic consultation meeting and that is was advertised as such. It was acknowledged that there were proportionate share monies that were unspent noting that there were no nonpublic students who needed additional services. These funds will be used for services to school age public school students as allowed by law. We discussed special education services, procedures, and processes. Both parties are pleased with the current services and management of services. We made note of two different students with potential needs that Lynn and Dr. Wooster will continue to research.
1.1. Discuss program process, procedures and carryover funds
2. Roll Call
Members Present: Luanne Sundberg, Lynn Johnson
Also Present: Craig Hegemann, Dr. Larry Wooster Not Present: Bruce Scheer |
3. Review public school calendar
Both parties have shared their calendars with each other and we noted that there have been no changes to the public school calendar since it was originally presented.
4. Discuss shared federal Title programs
Title II, Part A - Teacher and Principal Training; Title III, Part A - Language Instruction for English Learners
The representatives present discussed how St. Paul's intends to use their portion of the funds from the Title IIA program and that the application and final notice of award amounts will be announced around January.
5. Transportation - Shuttle and Routes
Shuttle Bus:
2018-19 is $1.10/mile 2017-18 was $1.23/mile
The committee members discussed the current shuttle bus arrangements and potential changes in route drivers. We also briefly discussed continuing to transport students to confirmation. All parties agreed that the current arrangement is working well for us.
6. Textbook Loan Program - Rule 4
Those present briefly discussed our current practices including the record keeping. It was noted that we may try to be more particular in completing our paperwork to meet NDE guidelines. We exchanged books to meet the requests for this year.
7. Inclement Weather - Eagle Alert
Lynn shared that the software that we are currently using, Blackboard Connect, was bought out by another company. They have announced only one minor change to software at this time. Dr. Wooster and Superintendent Johnson both felt that the current system of shared communication is working well.
8. Communications - Daily Announcement, Green Sheet
Dr. Wooster shared that they appreciate the communications (bulletins, green sheet, etc) that they are receiving noting no changes to these procedures for this year.
9. Technology Support
Those present briefly discussed that Mr. Sanders is available to assist with technology as needed.
10. MSU Screening
Dr. Wooster and Lynn have been working together to complete forms and provide information for the upcoming MSU (Mobile Screening Unit) health screening that is sponsored by the local Lion's Club as a service to our schools.
11. Other
The participants discussed trying to better coordinate the dates and times of the 'shadow' visitation that the public school provides for the St. Paul's Lutheran students who will be coming to APS the following year.
12. Recommendation to the board as a result of this meeting:
There are no recommendations to the board of education as a result of this consultative meeting.